This one is fast, furious, boosting your luck, keeping back the bad stuff through 2025. We don’t know what’s coming this time round. Everything is weird and wild - already. There’s three places left - it’s the pocket-book friendly option at $250.
The working combines the energies of ancient landscapes and magick with modern technology, creating a virtual tool for ensuring good luck that you can carry with you wherever you go (so long as you have your phone!).
During this ritual:
I conduct an invocation—along with a powerful affirmation—aligning with the land’s unique resonance.
Natural sounds (wind, birds, rustling leaves, etc.) are recorded live as part of the talisman’s sonic signature, bringing profound numinous energies to the table.
Visuals are also filmed and encoded with the esoteric ambience of the ancient site, evoking aetheric resonance.
Read more at:
Wild stuff going on…
I’m currently experimenting with the far edge of magick and technology, and also looking back before modern science took a hold - before the power-hungry elites realized they could seize and maintain power by sucking global populations in their technocratic web. Thus we have to gain control of the tech and use it for our own ends, not theirs. So if I get time I’ll get into this on a video on New Year’s Day… the aim being to take control of 2025 before the transnational ruling class does! Or at least hold them back…