Banish Stalkers Spell
Plagued by one or more stalkers? Need to get them off your back and give them their just desserts by hexing the hell out of them? Then read on…
Works for gangstalking (targeted individuals), internet bullies, intelligence services, cyber attacks, and any type of harassment.
Dark Angel here… let me tell you about what happened to me, and how I dealt with it.
“I experienced a horrible terrifying stalker after courting Doktor Snake. He had a madman who was sending death threats. I’d never experienced such before. The lunatic found my poetry page and from there found me on WhatsApp. The terror began to become overwhelming, saying he would kill me and my baby boy – see the image below, that’s what was sent to me.”
Let’s face it being stalked is the last thing you need. It’s horrifying and usually terrifying. It’s an invasion of privacy.
How to make it go away?
All too often the police won’t do anything. They’ll say their hands are tied for whatever reason. You’ve probably said to them, “Oh, so I have to be killed before you’ll do anything?!”
It certainly feels like that. You’re lucky to get dispatch to even come out. Maybe it’s raining and they don’t want to get wet. Who knows.
In the end, you’ve got little choice but to sort it out yourself.
No easy task. This is where magick comes in. The game is to hit your annoying stalker or stalkers so hard, they’ll never bother you again, and will be screaming for mercy. Naturally you won’t give it to them.
In short, I will banish your stalker and hex the hell out of them.
As you saw above, I had to deal with a stalker myself. Being Doktor Snake’s wife, a well-known author and prominent figure, stalkers come with the territory. I went through a period where we had a guy that had been a stalker of Doktor Snake, and he came after my grandson and I. So I had to come up with something fast to get this person off me. It had to be done big time. Boom! And the hexing part was like a neutron boom. Not a modicum of mercy.
So if you’re plagued by a stalker, I can do the same for you. We can get the big guns out.
Here’s what I do
Consulting my black books, I discerned the most auspicious time and day for the ritual (letting you know in advance when this will be). I then sit at my alter and go into visionary trance, calling upon my familiar spirits to guide me onto the astral plane, the shimmering realm, and place where what will be shall come to pass.
Once the arcane incantations are uttered, cloaking my subtle body, I make a psychic connection to your stalker, or to those that are harassing you, banishing them from your life, making it so they fear to come near you.
I then unleash baleful ghouls upon them, which will consume their very spirit, tormenting it, and casting it into the very depths of oblivion… their aura fading as they cascade into darkest depths of nothingness… a worthless being that deserves no mercy.
Get in touch to order your Banish A Stalker working now.
Bear in mind that Universe works in mysterious ways. Even apparent diversions, or setbacks, may be part of the plan to get you on the path that is right for you. This is why it’s important to keep faith in the magickal operation that’s been conducted for you, which will be working in your best interests. It will have your back – even when it seems like nobody else has.