Black Hill Mound & The Denizens Of The Underworld
Ancient energies and spirit communication with a Bronze Age priest-magus in the heart of the English countryside...
One of the places I go for ritual and visionary work is Black Hill Mound, which is near the village of Troston in West Suffolk, Eastern England. The mound dates back to at least 2000BC, and was a site utilized by the Ancient Britons, who also constructed such “energy accumulators” as Stonehenge and Silbury Hill.
Today the mound and surrounding area is covered by trees. Long ago it would have been a large heath land, and the mound would have been visible from miles around.
Having done a lot of channeling at the site, I eventually found myself connecting with the spirit of one of the ancient priest-magus’ from one for the tribes that lived in the area long ago.
They key thing I realized during these spirit communications was that our ancient ancestors from 4,000 years ago had a very different form of consciousness to us today. The logical (left brain) thinking mind was much less dominant. To the fore was their subconscious mind, or right brain, which is more visual and is at the root of psychic powers. They also had a profoundly superior faculty of memory compared to us now
These spirit communications were in the form of visionary stories...
My impression was that the use of words and metaphors, along with right brain dominance, allowed these peoples to control nature, and to have interaction with prater human intelligences, such as nature spirits and the denizens of the under-realms – along with, quite possibly, the ability to levitate very heavy objects, which may account for how the blue stones of Stonehenge were originally transported from Wales to Wiltshire – some 200 miles. It may also explain how the Egyptian pyramids were erected.
But the key element with these communications with the priest-magus was it set off some very weird events - basically opening up the gates of the underworld… which to him was just everyday life long ago. Ancient peoples were very aware of the “other creatures” we share our planet with.
Today we’re not…
We occasionally catch glimpses of them - such as Big Foot, Skin Walkers, the Loch Ness Monster, along with lights in the sky and other assorted entities from the other realms.
Mostly, we don’t interact with these creatures.
But since channeling the priest-magus I’ve had a few encounters with strange twilight creatures - one was like a Skin Walker, the other what seemed to be the hellhound of British folklore, Black Shuck.
The sight of these creatures was a little scary, but I didn’t feel any threat from them. In fact, I think the denizens of the under-realms sense that the world is teetering on the brink of some collapse - or transformation… which it is, is up to us. But I feel these creatures guide us to the better path, even if the communications or sightings of them make little sense, certainly not in a conventional way.
P.S. For this newsletter I’m testing out Substack. May move over as it has some real advantages - like I can drop in informal podcasts/audio, all right into the email.
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