Can Lucifer help?
Leap year - February 29th - is a time of numinous power, ideal for calling upon the demonaic host to empower us in these precarious times...
Greetings! 2024 is a leap year - the extra day added in the calendar being February 29th. Though the marking of time is a man-made construct, the extra day still holds power. It's a liminal time when the veil between the worlds is draw aside.
Thus we are constructing a specialist working to help empower you in these unstable times.
From Dark Angel
Dok is thinking of going to a stately home in East Anglia during the evening of February 29th to conduct the working. He plans on calling upon Lucifer in a temple (folly) on the grounds of this 17th century country pile.
Bear in mind, Dok's family heritage is English landed gentry, many of whom were, as poet William Blake put it about John Milton, "of the Devil's party".
Thus Dok sees February 29th as highly symbolic. A time of strong numinous energy, when the princes, dukes, and marquises of hell are willing, indeed keen, to parley with given individuals on the upside.
Back to Doktor Snake
The reason for this working is times are perilous right now. Not only do we have serious conflicts going on, which have the potential to go nuclear, we also have economies on the brink of hyper-inflation, or even collapse. Naturally, we re gaslit on this. Political leaders saying economies are stable, even on the up. It's almost to the point of "we never had it so good - it's just you can't see it."
So why is it when I speak to people from all around the world via Telegram or WhatsApp I hear the same refrain:
"My bills keep going up, skyrocketing, but my income stays the same. I'm ling paycheck by paycheck, no sign nor hope of betterment."
As it happens, I had a vivid - lucid - dream last night in which I met with Lord Satan and Lucifer, who were very much brothers in arms, and made clear they are here to help humankind, so long as people recognize what latter-day diabolist Anatole France put forward in his 1895 book Le Puits de Sante-Claire, arguing that Satan was banished from heaven because he wished to think for himself rather than accept everything on authority. To quote France directly:
"Thought led Satan to revolt."
This sentiment is little understood by the numerous conspiracy theorists who speak of the wealth/power elites being in league with Satan (a lot of conspiracy people default to Bible Belt Christianity). While there are undoubtedly nefarious conspiracies going on (and I've got a lot of time for David Icke), some of which go back hundreds of years, the idea that the current elite classes are satanic (in the Bible Belt sense, at least) is simply not true. In fact, it's just the opposite. Any that do have a bent for satanism will be arch-rationalists and upholders of critical thinking, along, perhaps, a penchant for dark aesthetics and magic.
It must also be said that the demoniac host has always been of the rebel party.
Although there is no record of it, one could see them as empowering the Peasants' Revolt of 1381 in England, led by Wat Tyler. (If you are American reading this, remember, this is part of your history too, as is the Magna Carta - both influenced the Constitution). Then there was Lord Byron who railed against the Rothschild Family in his poem Childe Harold's Pilgrimage (published 1812-1818). Remember, the likes of the Rothschilds (along with the Rockefellers, Soros, etc) continue to exploit and oppress to this very day.
History and folklore alike show that Lucifer - and Satan - have often been called upon by those in need, or those oppressed by the ruling overlords in past times. Take St. Mary's church in the small town of Bungay in Suffolk, England. In the graveyard is a stone known as the Druid's or Devil's Stone. Legend had it that if you danced around it nine times the Devil would appear and grant your wish. No doubt this belied an actual ritual that was performed by locals who, given the feudalism of the past, needed empowerment, which they didn't find with the church.
Next we come to the Hellfire Club (circa mid 1700s), which, yes, was aristocratic, or at least, well-educated (often autodidact), but some where on their uppers at times, and were very much of the rebel party during the time when Robert Walpole was prime minister. Again, conspiracy people contend that the Hellfire Club were elites summoning demons deep in the Hellfire Caves at West Wycombe in Buckinghamshire, not far from London. As I say, this is uneducated Bible Belt mentality. Yes, the Hellfire Club, founded by Sir Francis Dashwood, dabbled in magic and certainly railed against religion, which was, and is, oppressive and a control system (wake up Bible Belt!).
And yes, they did conduct diabolic rituals and were most definitely of the Devil's Party.
But remember, young men of the time typically embarked on the Grand Tour, as part of their education, which involved them travelling through France, Italy, Greece, and often Turkey. In Italy many had access to grimoires (books of magic) detailing the summoning of demons. This was a breath of fresh air to them, particularly as the Age of Enlightenment was weakening the hold of the church on society.
In short, with the Hellfire Club, we have rebellion against the status quo, the staid mores of society - and also note that Benjamin Franklin was a de-facto member, and the society regularly discussed ideas that led to American Independence.
So by now, we should see just how wrong the Bible Belt conspiracy types are.
The truth is, we have a friend in Lucifer and the demoniac host...
Which is why I decided to put together a working on February 29th calling upon Lucifer. If you are interested, you can email me by clicking here... or get in touch via WhatsApp or Telegram.
WhatsApp group - join and you can message me personally
My Telegram
Get in touch and let me know what you need. This is about empowerment, boosting finances and investments, cryptocurrency, and keeping the bad stuff back. My plan is to go to a stately home in East Anglia, which dates back to the 17th century and has a temple in classical style - essentially a folly. I'll have Dark Angel with me, and we'll be looking to call upon Lucifer on your behalf. You'll send us your petition in advance - one sheet of A4, no more. Once we've got Lucifer's attention and parleyed with him to grant your request, we will read your petition to him. From there he will make it happen, either quickly or over time, all depending on the streams of probability that surround you and your intention.
Once done, as ever, we will drink a toast to Lucifer and the demonaic host. A sip each of brandy from my hip flask, then filling a small glass for Lucifer and co, along with leaving seven farthings (old British coins) as offerings and tokens of respect.
I haven't yet set up a page for this. But above gives you an idea of how it will work. When I do set up a page it will be on the servers (Telegram) so as to keep it from the public gaze. To stay informed join our Telegram ChatRoom below.
This one seems to me to be critical. Not only me, but numerous others, have a sense of foreboding about 2024. I would say there is a cloud of darkness, metaphorically speaking, hovering over the world. It could well dissipate, depending on how the streams of probability pan out and manifest. Or it could all go belly-up and we're in trouble. All ways round the game is keeping out of the firing line and prospering. This is 100% my aim with this working. So if you are interested get in touch by one of the channels listed above.
All power!
Doktor Snake
P.S. I mention Anatole France above, worth checking out his books, and actually French literature - pretty radical. J.K. Huysmans too. Naturally good to read some Lord Byron as well. Get back to the roots.
P.P.S. When the dogs of doom are howling it's wise to pull out a can of dog food and call on the cats.