Do You Have A Doktor Snake Tale To Tell? Plus Under The Radar Workings & Dok's Secretive Group
From lottery wins to killers caught, there's many stories surrounding Doktor Snake + Interplanetary File System + Dok's private members club from the early 1990s...
Do You Have A Doktor Snake tale to tell?
Dark Angel relates how there have been many stories told about Dok's work, from winning the lottery to murderers being apprehended... she wonders if you too have a tale to tell?
Under The Radar Workings
As best she can, Dark Angel relates Dok's plans to take the online operation into what he calls the "Interplanetary File System", which is "everywhere and nowhere." Part of this will mean that the next generation workings being developed, via channeling and other means, won't be on the website, but will be by request only via email.
Do You Have A Private Members Group?
Recognizing that DA was somewhat bewildered by his plans, Doktor Snake divulges a little about the secretive group he's had since the 1990s - and goes into how he's taking his whole operation into the Interplanetary File System, which is everywhere and nowhere, and how his and Dark Angel's next generation workings won't be online - but by request only via email.