Special Offer: "Dokology Psybernetics Training" - Become A PSI Warrior!
Open your THIRD EYE - protect yourself from mind control and psychic attacks - enhance PSI abilities & personal power - manifest your desires - shape your own reality.
Let’s get straight to it and look at what my Dokology Psybernetics Training is all about…
Learn the BIG SECRET of how to boost your psychic abilities to the max.
Discover the art of the Reality Construction to manifest what you need or desire in life.
Deep dive into Conscious Awareness which will put you at the helm of your mind/body/psyche ship, sailing it according to YOUR compass direction and nobody else’s.
Learn how to set up a Psychic Shield to keep your subtle body safe, protecting you from malign attachments (entities) and deflecting negative energies.
Master the art of Remote Viewing, gain a picture of what’s going on in other locations, including off-world locations, along with getting vivid impressions of what other people are up to.
Discover the true essence of Telepathy, how to read people and situations with flash insights.
Unlock the deep secrets of Astral Projection and Bilocation, leaving your body to traverse other realms.
And much more…
Discover more at https://doktorsnake.com/dokology/
Doktor Snake
Dubbed "the UK's answer to Anton Lavey". Bestselling author of Doktor Snake's Voodoo Spellbook, Human Sacrifice, Cannibals, and Get Money. Seller of over 20,000 certified magical products since 1999. Globally acknowledged authority on the occult and psychic phenomena.
Dark Angel
A highly talented psychic medium, who has brought peace to many clients by channeling their departed loved ones. Dawn, from Virginia, said: “Dark Angel put my mind at ease, she was able to bring my grandfather through… I know it was true because she could not have known the things that were said.”
Dark Angel is also highly qualified in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, mindfulness, and life coaching (see her certificates below).