If it’s money you need, Duke Bune can get it. Simply carry these three farthings (old British coinage) in your pocket and your “material question” will be taken care of.
I conduct the ritual at the ruined medieval church by the sea. Always after the sun has set and under the auspices of a waxing moon... though, waning, of course, would mean a diminishing of poverty.
Duke Bune is one of the 72 demons of the Goetia medieval manuscript. I draw his seal on a sliver of wood and place it on the dusty, long disused altar.
From there, I use an interesting little device I was given as a boy by a very pious lady in church (C-of-E), whose husband was, for want of a better way of putting it, a “brilliant reprobate”. I can configure the device (radionic) to emit certain frequencies that will get me into contact with Duke Bune, or any other of the demonic host, for that matter.
When I hear Duke Bune’s voice through the small speaker attached to the device I set about making a deal to “help our dear friend in need.” I then get him to charge three old British farthings, which will act as your money talisman.
Let me fill you in on farthings, as they are a favorite of Duke Bune’s for nostalgic reasons. Farthings were the smallest denomination of coin in Britain, being worth a quarter of a penny. In fact, they dated back to the 13th century, and the name “farthing” came from the Old English word “Feorthing”, which meant a fourth part. Small in size, they were originally made of silver, but by the 17th century, they were mostly made of copper due to the growing cost of silver. Due to inflation, farthings became obsolete until finally phased out in 1960.
So there you have it. This Three Farthings ritual is all about drawing money to you. Carry the bag on your person and you will find that you’ll have money luck in abundance.
Discover more at https://doktorsnake.com/three-farthings-ritual/