Get Money: 6. Burning Desire
Having a burning desire for success means you’ll take failures on the chin - you aren’t going to give up because you’ve become an unstoppable force...
Whatever your sexual interests are there’s bound to have been times when you just had to have the object of your desire. You were eaten up with a white hot flame of lust. It consumed your every waking moment. What happened when you achieved it I don’t know. Nor do I want to know (well not unless you’ve got it on film and we can sell it on a porn channel).
But it has to be the same when it comes to money-getting. You have to have a burning desire for filthy lucre. Many will say that’s unhealthy. But you know what? They’re poor and ineffective in life. Don’t listen to them. Don’t give them the time of day. Let them wallow in their poverty and whining. Even better sell them something you have on offer. They might as well serve some use.
But how do you go about getting a burning desire for money? That’s a difficult one. Ideally you’d have it naturally, but a lot of us haven’t, or else it’s buried deep inside and we need to draw it out. And also, having a strong desire for money isn’t typically about wanting to buy the luxuries of life, like flash cars and opulent homes. Strangely these things don’t often matter to those who’ve got rich. They’re nothing more than the icing on the cake.
No, in the end, it’s the game of getting money – the hunt for greenbacks. Perhaps it’s a primal drive like ancient man hunting to eat, and all the strategies and courage involved. So it’s very much about the challenge, the sheer exhilaration of pulling off something most people can only dream of.
“Money was never a big motivation for me, except as a way to keep score. The real excitement is playing the game.”
Donald Trump (b. 1946), Entrepreneur and President of the United States
And when you get into this mindset you join a kind of elite, but informal, club. When you meet others of the same ilk, they’ll recognize this in you. Your conversations will be on another level – not one the average wage stiff will ever experience. There will be a unique camaraderie, one that you’ll treasure.
If you’re lukewarm in your desire for money, but genuinely want to elevate your income to that of wealth, the first thing you need to do (if you haven’t already) is to read some classic motivational books on success. Such as Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. The Magic Of Believing (1948) by Claude M. Bristol. The Master Key System (1912) by Charles F. Hannel. And The Magic Story (1900) by Frederick Van Rensselaer Dey. Read them alongside this book and they will help you to gain the required mindset and desire for making money.
Another thing you can do is fill your wallet with as much cash as you can. Forget bankcards. You need the kinesthetic experience of cash; you need to feel it and smell it. If you don’t have two pennies to rub together, then buy some fake money so your wallet is bulging. Yes, you’re pretending to be rich, but this sends a powerful message to your subconscious mind, the driving force of your very being, and the powerhouse that will bring you the burning desire you need.
On top of this, make a point of hanging out in places rich people go, such as top hotels. You don’t have to take a room. Just sit in the lobby with a coffee. Watch people and listen to them talk. Get a feel for what it’s like to be rich. I’d also advise you deck yourself out in your best clothes. You don’t want to look like a homeless person that’s come in off the street, or some market trader looking for somewhere to take a piss. Do your best to blend in and not draw attention to yourself. You’re essentially looking to soak up the mindset of people with money.
By doing things like this you start to live and breathe money. Eventually, you’ll start seeing money making opportunities everywhere you go. You’ll have more ideas than you can shake a stick at. And that’s a happy situation to be in because becoming rich will no longer seem out of reach. You’ll begin to feel anything is possible and that it’s only a matter of time before the loot starts rolling in.
You’ll leap out of bed in the mornings literally raring to blast out some ad copy, launch a campaign or make some sales calls. And if you’re still forced to work in a job, it won’t seem so bad because you’ll know that it is only for the short term – you’ve got a glorious goal and you’re gonna achieve it.
Also, having a burning desire for success means you’ll take failures on the chin. You aren’t going to give up because you’ve become an unstoppable force. Deep inside you is a seething cauldron of determination. And this means that when you meet obstacles you’ll either batter them down and go straight through them, or you’ll sidestep them. You simply won’t let them stand in your way. As the old saying goes, “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.”
“When one person believes he can and another person believes he can’t, they are both right.”
Henry Ford (1863-1947), American industrialist
Naysayers will typically say, “But you don’t have a life, all you do is work.” Yeah, and all they do is moan and complain about their lot. They cling to mediocrity like it was a virtue. Essentially they want to be like everybody else. To fit in and not stand out. But anybody on the money quest knows you have to stand out in one way or another – even if that involves being a mystery (a good marketing move in these days of “let it all hang out” social media). And besides, you do have a life – because what you’re doing is fun! It’s supremely exciting and you wouldn’t swap it for the world, even in the downtimes.
The sheer verve and exhilaration blows the mediocre, wage stiff life off the stage. You have a mission. You know what you’re doing in life. And you know that anything is possible. There are no limits.
In fact, the only limits are those of your own making. And once you have burning desire, you begin to shake off the limitations you’ve imposed on yourself, along with those inflicted on you by society and upbringing.
In short, you start to see the road to personal freedom, and go all out to get there.
Kick-starting Desire
To enhance your desire for money, try doing daily affirmations. Say them out-loud. If people are around and you feel self-conscious, pull out your phone and pretend you’re making a call. State your wish as if it has already been granted (it might well have been in a parallel universe). You can state a few of your desires in one go. Your affirmations could go along the following lines: “A sizable chunk of cash is about to come my way”; “A big financial opportunity is on its way to me”; “A large sum of money will soon arrive out of the blue.”