Vampire arisings: "She was hexed by a local witch... then it turned to a death curse..."
Nothing else for it but to head to the Devil's Dyke and let the feral come to the fore...
As twilight descended, I headed over to the Devil's Dyke, a place of power, evident in the folklore of Cambridgeshire (see video at the end). The reason I was heading to this atmospheric and scenic place was a regular client of mine, Nathan, had run into a few problems - or rather his wife Juliette had.
I said, "Okay, I'll fix up a working at the Devil's Dyke. Usual drill. We’ll get things sorted out for Juliette." He knows my most powerful workings, so little more needed to be said.
(When people subscribe on a year-by-year basis to my Devil-Compact, I sort out issues for their family members too).
The pressing issue Juliette had was with a woman she knew who had it in for her. This woman was seized by jealousy and envy. She had become obsessed and had gone to a local witch to get a hex laid on Juliette. Basically a “spiritual worker” mostly known for doing tarot readings, but would do nefarious work for anybody she that she knew well and trusted to keep shtum.
Juliet had noticed things kept going awry for her. She’d lose stuff, whereas normally she was very organized. Pictures would fall off the wall, apparently with no cause; drawers would come open, again with no discern able reason. What capped it all was her car got scratched up in a supermarket parking lot, then, when the bodywork was fixed, she got hit by a van that had jumped a red light. She was seriously shaken up, but otherwise okay, whereas the car was a write off.
The first thing I did was fix up an audio for Juliette…
All my Pact clients are on Telegram, so this is easy and seamless, and all comms are private and secure which is key. The audio schooled her in setting up a psychic shield around her, and in the basics of “conscious awareness” which will ensure the baleful effects of a curse cannot progress any further.
I also fixed up some fast sigil magick to deflect the nefarious energies laid on Juliette. I did this at a burial mound not far from me, one that dates back to 590AD, and was once close to an Anglo Saxon settlement. When the emergency working was done, I burned the sigil (having photographed it first) and scattered the ashes over the burial mound, casting them to the ether, so to speak.
“I’ll get the bitch…”
That was the word on the grapevine. Juliette’s adversary clearly wasn’t giving up and had apparently given the local witch a couple of grand to give it all she’d got, though reportedly the spiritual worker drew the line at a death curse. Problem was, Juliette’s adversary upped the money to £5K… and the spiritual worked quickly let her “ethics” slip.
I also had the feeling the witch knew what she was doing. This proved to be the case when she appeared to me on the astral, basically connecting to me in my dreams while I was asleep, or at least, half-awake, which is how these things often pan out.
The witch actually appeared to me very much like the picture below. Right away I knew this witch was a hardcore practitioner because she’d taken on the image of the vampire I was deeply associated with for a time at the age of nineteen, Victorian garb, long black hair… quiet, but with a demeanor of dignity. I immediately knew it wasn’t actually the vampire though, no more than an simulacra of the Nosferatu girl who had come to me in the real world many years ago.
What the witch didn’t know is the vampire is still around, often wandering around the mystical places of the West Country (her heritage going back long ago), known but not known, partly on the astral plane. To the Nosferatu kind, taking on the form of one of them in this way is a serious no, no… beyond unwise. But it did show the witch had pronounced psychic powers to have picked up something in my personal history.
On the astral, part awake, part asleep, I leapt at the witch, grasped her around the throat and growled, “Want to play with the big boys and girls, do you? Better keep your prana, your energy centers closed, or you’ll be burned by the fires of eternal darkness and drained dry of all your life force.”
The simulacra of the vampire faded to the real image, which was a blonde woman in her early forties, pentacle necklace and dark, gothy kitsch, not exactly the real thing… nevertheless as she faded away into the astral mist I sensed she was a serious adversary and would have to be dealt with - and soon.
Thus as dusk set in, I was heading along the Devil’s Dyke…
Stars coming out and an eerie mist swirling through the long ditch that stretches a good eighteen miles through the heart of Cambridgeshire. It was a mystical journey, a dark pilgrimage, to a section of the Devil’s Dyke where there is an old oak and clump of hawthorn bushes that keep out the unwary.
My plan was to go into visionary trance and conduct astral magick to rid Juliette of the death curse that had been laid on her, to remove all baleful energies, and to spiritual cleanse her energy body and aura. From there I would put a stop to the maleficent ways of the dark witch.
I do this via Distance Influence, psychic magick, which has its roots in the Indus Valley and the Siddhis of Patanjali 2,500 years ago, and way before that in the cultures of the Indo Europeans.
I sat before the oak… went into visionary trance, so the landscape was part real, part astral, and evoked the Terrifying Sovereign…
The Terrifying Sovereign, once of this Earth, and of great age, now resides between the worlds. Long ago, he was an aristocratic “wizard priest” hailing from the trans-Caspian steppes. A master of mysteries, he was closely aligned with predator animals such as wolves. He was at once ferocious and sinister, and a keeper of inspired wisdom. Bear in mind, the nature of wolves. Unlike most of humankind, they stay faithful for life with one partner. So it was with the Terrifying Sovereign; his consort Veliuona was, and is, forever and always.
Like all of his kind, the Terrifying Sovereign was possessed of the secrets of the dead in the underworld. Being a shapeshifter, he could walk between the worlds. The Terrifying Sovereign could traverse the “great In-betweenness” betwixt the island of order and oceans of primordial chaos which surrounds it. He still does.
Calling upon the aid of the Terrifying Sovereign, I set about connecting to Juliette, manipulating the astral spirals and energies to remove the death curse cast upon her by the dark witch. Seeing the miasma of negativity evaporate, I gave my sign of respect to the Great Sovereign and he returned to his place of eternal residing in trans-Caspian steppes.
At that point, it was time to give the witch a taste of her own medicine like she’d never known before…
Out of the swirling mists came the Vampire, long white dress, tight bodice, and cascading waves of black hair, she took my hand and via the astral plane we traveled out-of-body to the county of Essex, like feral children, the beasts within us came to the fore, and we homed in on the dwelling place of the witch.
Prowling outside in the garden, like predatory animals, set on their prey, we needed entry to the house, to be invited in. The Vampire used her deep psychic influence, drawing the witch out of bed to the door. Opening it, she stood back in terror at the sight of us… the witch, also being psychic, knew this was partly an astral experience… “No…” she whispered. “Please, no…”
With a guttural growl, I said, “Yes…”
The witch did all she could to resist, but then, in a tone of utter despair, said, “C’c’come in…”
The vampire and I sprang over the threshold, the vampire grasping the witch by the throat, her whole body vibrant, her feral nature seething with energy.
I smiled and said, “Drink, not too deep, my dear, let her learn her lesson, no more.”