How will politicians cover their tracks? The data for "demicide" is in... it's shocking
Ex Wall St guy Ed Dowd's data/book on mRNA... new pandemic? Space aliens?
The data is devastating - as I point out in the video below on Twitter. Here’s the link to the book - the data - I mention in my talk.
How will the politicians and elites cover their tracks from the growing vaxx deaths and injuries? Totalitarianism is their only real choice... so get ready for a new bioweapon release... if that fails, then it will likely be alien attack... #excessdeaths
Plus: out in the woods, bushcraft… escape route in case things take off in 2023… 5th Generation Warfare…
2023 could prove crazy - injections and lots of people dropping dead - powers that be will have to impose totalitarianism to escape blame - vaxxed could be set against unvaxxed (divide and rule) - testing escape route out in the wilds. #WW3 #5gw
Oh and here’s Ed Dowd being interviewed about the data he’s compiled about the mRNA injections from Vaers and insurance actuaries.