It's in his voice...
I discovered this for myself when I first met Doktor Snake... If I was in an emotional and anxious state he could make me relaxed in seconds...
That's the thing with Doktor Snake. You don't even realize he's helping you. Admittedly, his voice is very calming and hypnotic. But he'll just tell you a story, maybe explain what's going on with you in two sentences, then you're calm and relaxed.
I didn't know how he did it. I still don't - not really. But he's been working with the mind and hypnosis since he was about seventeen. It just comes natural to him. He just does it. As he always says, "I don't think about stuff."
Even that gives the game away…
What he's really getting at is how beneficial it is to stop thinking in words. To learn the art of stopping internal dialog. From there you gain control of your thinking processes and are at the helm of your mental ship. What's more, this enables you to reign in your negative emotions - which tend to cause a lot of problems with people.
Doktor Snake also puts together audios for clients who want to improve their lives in some way. This might involve becoming successful and having money. Again, Dok uses his hypnotic abilities to plant the seeds needed to attain success in a given field.
Here's an excerpt from one of Doktor Snake's "I-Wave" self-hypnosis audios in his Get Money series. Notice he's just telling a story...
Some people need to take control of their emotions. Their emotional states often make their lives stressful and miserable. Dok knows they need a "Higher-I" at the helm, a self-observer who is like a theater director controlling the action on stage. This isn't mystical in any way - it's purely practical and it works.
Here's another excerpt with Dok (yet again) telling a story to plant the seeds needed for somebody to gain more control over their emotions - and thus their lives.
Dok says his stories are directed at the subconscious mind, which responds well to narrative. He also takes another approach which he says he got from the "General Semantics" of Alfred Korzybski. This is the objective, logical approach - and is directly aimed at your conscious mind or left brain.
Here's Dok talking about it.