New Year 2024: Power & Protection Pack
Distance energy, personal power boost, and psychic shield delivered via the astral plane...
New Year 2024 is upon us. Time to boost your personal power, your luck and good fortune, and protect yourself from the bad stuff…
Here’s what you get with our New Year 2024 psychic/astral working:
Personal power boost to see you through 2024 - in command, in control, with a firm grip on the unpredictable tides of fate.
Luck and good fortune maximized - be in the right place at the right time, keep out of the firing line. Get on the up no matter how precarious economies are - locate opportunities, lucky breaks fall in your lap.
Psychic shield deflect negative energies, bad people, malign attachments and any other entities from astral and hyperspace. subtle body.
PLUS: MP3 empowerment audio to help you harness emanations from galactic center (positive frequencies), to harmonize your being, and manifest abundance… boost intuition, relieve anxiety, and balance your energy centers.
AND: Shungite necklace to keep back EMF and increase your own psychic abilities - charged at Mickle Hill round barrow with archaic chthonic energies.
“Shungite is considered a “magic stone” - even extraterrestrial in origin - due its carbon structure closely resembles that found in meteorites. Found in the Karelia region of Russia, Shungite is thought to have healing properties and offers protection against electromagnetic radiation (5G, phones and computers, etc).”
Order Now
Boost your personal power, your luck and good fortune, and protect yourself from the bad stuff. PLUS empowerment audio and Shungite necklace.
Cost: $750 USD.
Hit the button to order your New Year 2024 Power & Protection Pack, and you’ll be directed to your questionnaire to submit your details and aspirations for 2024. The psychic boost and protective shield workings will be conducted on New Year’s Eve. We’ll be in touch the following day with details of what we did and how it went, along with sending you your empowerment audio… then come January 4th we’ll mail your psychically-charged Shungite necklace (allow ten to fourteen days for delivery).
Or read on to discover more about this New Year’s Power & Protection Pack…
How it works
On New Year’s Eve, after sunset, I will head over to the “Brecks” (and old name for heath land) in South Norfolk to Mickle Hill, a Neolithic and Bronze Age round barrow.
As W.G. Clarke in his 1921 book Norfolk and Suffolk said:
“A very mysterious mound” was all I could glean from a shepherd concerning a barrow at Croxton…
Even the name of the Mickle Hill round barrow went unrecorded until Clarke spoke with the shepherd. So Mickle Hill is undoubtedly a place mystery, not to mention it being replete with numinous energy.
There has been many reports of paranormal activity in the area - I myself have encountered Black Shuck (legendary hell hound), an apparent alien being and UFOs, along with woodwoses (UK Big Foot), all of which I have spoken of on my podcasts and videos.
The point being, Mickle Hill is a preeminent location for psychic work, in this case to boost your personal power (and luck) and create a psychic shield around you for protection through 2024. Bluntly, we all need this as the upcoming year looks set to be bumpy on a global scale (to say the least).
What I do
Once at Mickle Hill, I sit atop the round barrow soaking up the archaic energies, and entering into visionary trance, which propels me onto the astral, where Mickle Hill is part in this realm and part in hyperspace. At this point I typically perceive a rustling in the trees, like some great beast is hurtling through the woods towards me. I see this as the “great serpent”, a manifestation of the serpentine power that flows through the labyrinthine maze of ley lines that crisscross the planet.
In any event, this energy goes right through me, activating my energy centers - including the one known as the “fire snake” - as this strange force wends its way through Mickle Hill until it reaches the Norfolk coast some 70 miles or more away.
At this point I can tune directly to you and project numinous energies that you may well feel and will boost your personal power and luck. The two go hand-in-hand. The more life force energy you have, the greater your inherent power and the luckier you will be.
Alongside this, I will construct a psychic shield around you - again via the astral plane - which will protect you from the bad stuff, including negative psychic forces and malign attachments, along with keeping back the impact of the increasingly hazardous events going on in the world right now.
All this will see you right through 2024 and beyond!
New Year 2024: Power & Protection Pack
Boost your personal power, your luck and good fortune, and protect yourself from the bad stuff. PLUS empowerment audio and Shungite necklace.
Cost: $750 USD.
Hit the button to order your New Year 2024 Power & Protection Pack, and you’ll be directed to your questionnaire to submit your details and aspirations for 2024. The psychic boost and protective shield workings will be conducted on New Year’s Eve. We’ll be in touch the following day with details of what we did and how it went, along with sending you your empowerment audio… then come January 4th we’ll mail your psychically-charged Shungite necklace (allow ten to fourteen days for delivery).
On a budget? Grab our Lucky Blessing for 2024.
Dark Angel’s Lucky Blessing for 2024
Energy boost delivered psychically to enhance your fortunes through the new year. Simply provide your name, DOB, location, and your aspirations for 2024 (via the questionnaire sent out to you after you order).
PLUS a bespoke sigil, personalized and delivered by email, to bring you calming and balancing energies (full instructions provided on how to meditate on it).
Dark Angel here…
On New Year’s Eve, in conjunction with Doktor Snake, I will conduct a psychic blessing on your behalf to ensure the coming year is full of luck for you, and to help you turn any downs into ups!
By the light of my bonfire I will go deep into visionary trance, channeling the energies of Deep Resonance (Universe) and the Temporal Flow to you, bringing verve and optimism - along with good fortune - for the coming year.
Lucky Blessing 2024
Cost: $250 USD.
Hit the button below to order your Lucky Blessing and you’ll be directed to your questionnaire to submit your details and aspirations for 2024. The blessing will be conducted on New Year’s Eve. We’ll be in touch the following day with details of what we did and how it went, along with attaching your lucky sigil.