New Year Workings (get yours now): Luck, good fortune, and prosperity - along with keeping you out of the firing line...
2025 is set to be tumultuous and mind blowing - the weirdness WILL ramp up big time... be prepared.
As ever, we've fixed up workings for luck, good fortune, and prosperity throughout the upcoming New Year. Bluntly, 2025 is NOT going to be an ordinary year. It's set to be beyond tumultuous and potentially chaos will reign. All that is already happening — and has been for the last five years. But now we've got the alleged "drones" swarming all over the world - and this is BIG. Things are off-the-scale weird.
But we've got it covered with our New Year workings. We don't have answers as to what's going on (though have numerous theories). But we have set up three mega-powerful workings to keep you safe and protected in the upcoming turmoil of 2025, along with ensuring your good fortune and prosperity.
Check out the 2025 workings at:
Granny Sumlin’s Warning: A Note from the Past
From: Dark Angel
You ever find something from the past that feels like it was meant for right now? That’s exactly what happened when I stumbled across a letter from my Granny Sumlin. She was a quiet woman, deeply rooted in her hoodoo practice, but she hid it well under the watchful eyes of the Bible Belt. Her magick was subtle, protective, and always focused on keeping her family safe.
The letter, postmarked August 1983, was tucked away in a stack of her old books. In it, she warned of dark times ahead — naming specific years: 2001, 2008, 2019… and finally, 2025. She called them “pivotal years,” times when the world would shift, and chaos would reign. But she didn’t just warn — she left a solution. Enclosed was a sigil she called her “talisman,” a protective charm designed to guard against the chaos.
Now, with 2025 on the horizon, Doktor Snake and I are taking her warning seriously. This New Year’s Eve, we’ll bring her talisman to life in a ritual that blends her ancestral wisdom with our own magickal practices. Granny’s message was clear: Stay vigilant, stay protected, and use the tools you have.
2025 is coming. Are you ready?
For those who want my all-out New Year 2025 package, it's called:
Utopia 2025: MegaLuck, GigaFortune (Plus: learn to sculpt Your Own Reality).
I'm blending magick with cybernetics because the world we are in now is way beyond weird, so we not only have to work in the realm of aether, but also within the cyber networks, not to mention ancestral and neuro networks. This is extensive and involves me doing a powerful ritual at an old ruined church, in the middle of nowhere, in east Suffolk, along with me sending you an audio each month of 2025 with insider information on what's going on and how it might impact your life — PLUS you get a one-hour call with me each month too, all ways round I've got your back.