POWER of the DEVIL'S PACT: Develop Mind Control - discover the hyper-sonic (mental) nuclear payload to thwart the plans of the transnational ruling classes and technocratic controllers
Fight back and thrive in WW3, the war like no war you've known before... PLUS get academic David A. Hughes FREE book "Covid-19, Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy, Volume 1"...
OK, all I’ve said since March 2020 (and before) is now validated by academia in the form of David A. Hughes who has brought out one of the most important books of our times (see below).
With me it was instinctive intelligence, rather than academic. I’m an autodidact so well-schooled in many diverse disciplines. But David has the necessary academic discipline to lay all the information down, with solid references and arguments.
I’ll get into why this piece is titled “The Power of the Devil’s Pact” shortly (it’s about the fight back, and, in my view, the key way to hold back everything that has gone on since March 2020).
But first, let’s get David’s book, it’s critical reading…
David A. Hughes book below is FREE (PDF) and is beyond crucial reading. His academic qualifications are exemplary. And he’s a brave chap laying down all that has gone on since March 2020, an ongoing coup d'état that goes back to the late 1940s and before. I urge you to get this book, read it, and share it. And note, the book is published by Springer/Nature, a respected academic publisher, so peer-reviewed… and this in itself means David A. Hughes has pulled off something BIG.
OK, so you’ve got David’s book. Let’s get to my position, which aligns with David’s exposition on Covid 19 and the ongoing psychological operation for our minds… which is actually WW3, like a war you’ve never known before, where few know a war is even raging.
But why the Devil’s Pact?
Because the Devil’s Pact is all about “mind control” - control of your OWN mind using conscious awareness. Satan is the symbol of rebellion, always was, always will be - rebellion as in thinking for yourself, knowing yourself… critically being able to (or learning to) stop internal dialog at will. To stop thinking in words. This stills your mind, and removes the “word virus” (as “literary outlaw” William S. Burroughs put it). It also erases language patterns that have forever been used to control you and shape society’s discourse. Basically, the control system’s narratives.
You could wonder how one operates without thinking in words. Well, you get to a deeper mind, which I call the “Higher I.” This is the central controller of your being, which brings together your diverse aspects: mind, emotions, and body. These are normally not really in communication with each other. Thus the majority of Earth Bipeds live under a high level of cognitive dissonance. But more critically are operating in “waking sleep”… in a daydream, with mental movies and interior dialog running all the time, and not seeing clearly with optimum clarity… unable to use the tool of objective reason.
Living in a mirage, in other words.
The control system exploits this state of affairs, and always has. If you wake up from this sleep, or are taught how to wake up and given practical “tools” that will do this, you are free and can direct your life in the way you want it to go - and deal far better with the trials and tribulations of life.
I call it satanic because Satan was the rebel angel… the one that rebelled against “God”, which, if you study the early translations of the books of the Bible, you’ll see this “God” was plural and known as the Elohim… whatever they were, they were nasty, controlling, and vicious, genocide was nothing to them.
Thus we see the Bible was not the “good book”, but was essentially a history of the Elohim… and has been a key psyop of control for two thousand years.
The playbook of the current transnational ruling classes has roots going way back in terms of methods of control of populaces - all, obviously about power and profits.
It’s been in our faces for long years, but few saw it.
Anyway, my position now is emancipation for the masses - for the ordinary man, woman, and child to learn conscious awareness and to be able to properly operate the OS of their beings.
The transnational ruling classes DO NOT DESIRE THIS. They want Earth Bipeds living in a mirage, beholden to their emotional states, because that means they are prey - very easily controlled and herded.
The old derogatory term “sheeple” summed it up. It’s about realizing the shepherd is NOT your benefactor, not your friend. He or she exploits you and you live in corralled misery - actually never thinking for yourself (with the “Higher I”).
Therefore my Devil’s Pact is about gaining knowledge and control of your being’s operating system, and directing it via the “Higher I”.
It’s the satanic way simply because, as I said above, God and Xtianity was primarily a psyop designed to manipulate and herd the masses of the world. The biggest fear of the elites was always revolution, unrest, and resistance, people demanding better conditions on Planet Earth. Naturally the ruling classes today, and even in the distant past, did not want this as they’d lose their power and wealth, and likely would be killed - as without their control psyops they themselves would be prey.
The Devil’s Pact - or Faustian Bargain - is all about leveling the playing field, with the long term aim of gaining FREEDOM & LIBERTY.
No masterz, no rulerz, no controllerz…
Just consciously aware beings who know themselves and can see clearly, both themselves, and the world around them, with OBJECTIVE REASON.
Even without the state of affairs society is currently saddled with, this is the route to living life to the full, doing it your way, and no longer being ruled by your “emotional brain” (only ever reacting to others and events). Instead being proactive and operating from a position of clarity, one where YOU are in control and nobody else.
This is also the way to deal with what is planned for society on Planet Earth…
What we have, as David A. Hughes’ book above illustrates in stark detail, is the transnational ruling classes gunning for complete control via technology. The first barrage of attack on the people of Earth was implementing the Covid 19 psyop and lockdowns. This was to undermine the morale of the “enemy” (the people). It engendered fear and despair via shock and awe tactics. In turn, this led to many going along with everything governments dictated… governments were suddenly people’s “saviors” when, previously, there was growing cynicism and mistrust of governments.
Recognize that governments are merely foot-soldiers for the transnational ruling classes. They do what they are told. Your ultimate enemy is NOT governments; they are nothing more than collaborators. Your real enemy is the tiny cabal of global elites (1%), who hold enormous wealth and power and run big tech and the technologies of control and subservience aimed at herding each and every Earth Biped into ultimate thraldom.
Unbeknown to most people on the planet, with Covid 19, WW3 was unleashed. But it is not a hot war; it’s a war on people’s minds. What’s more, as was stated in military academia decades ago, it is a war like none have known before, and most will not even realize it is raging… that is until it’s too late.
Basically, WW3 was declared covertly in March 2020 - against the people by the transnational ruling classes.
I saw it coming but half didn't believe what I was seeing - I saw the Yellow Vests in France, Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong, and lots of unrest globally, not to mention Extinction Rebellion occupying central London for a week or more, and the very strange Skripal case (Novichok poisoning) in Salisbury. But the key was the prevailing unrest; people had had enough and were rising up.
The elites freaked out.
Add to that global financial systems teetering on the brink, with collapse immanent in late 2019. So the elites panicked and implemented their carefully laid plans for global domination (totalitarianism) early. Thus came Covid 19 and lockdown salvos (military ops from start to finish), which were the start of the hidden war - WW3, the war to end all wars. But it didn't work as planned due to the elites moving too soon in a panic.
Now think of WW1 and WW2... a huge amount of deaths and casualties as you'd expect. Now fast forward to the vaxx attacks, the second salvo of WW3. In war you get casualties. It's the same in a hidden war; you just can't see the weapons and the bomb blasts. It's not hot war. But the death toll is the same. Thus we see the statistics for global excess deaths through the roof, along with injuries. According to ex-Wall St analyst, Ed Dowd, there’s been 15M deaths and 60M injuries worldwide - due to the vaccine impact. See video below.
And this on X from Dr Robert Malone:
Government Report Admits AIDS Is Surging Among Covid-Vaccinated
Because the transnational ruling classes moved early with their plans, they didn’t work as well as expected.
And now we are in a “phony war” where everything seems (sort of) fine. OK, money is tight for most people due to the economic impact of Covid 19 and the lockdowns, along with the 2008 financial collapse, etc… all part of the game to undermine people’s morale (so when you do unleash an all-out attack, you win).
Plus so much in the world seems weird, little makes sense (take how Joe Biden behaved, that was clearly a psyop, maybe he was drugged to exacerbate apparent dementia); people can’t figure the weirdness out… again this undermines morale. It’s all there below the surface. People know something is very wrong, at least subconsciously. It’s about getting global populations on their knees begging governments for help.
At that point, solutions are offered (still obviously no mention of WW3 and the attack on populations). The solutions being Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) - which were primed in people’s minds with the advent of cryptocurrancies (to this day nobody know who the founder of Bitcoin was, which is suspicious). CBDC would mean that every transaction is monitored, every last digital penny you spend on record. And if you misbehave, then your digital cash flow could be docked or stopped altogether - ultimate compliance.
Digital IDs are also critical to the plans of the elites. Their “human assets” must be branded like cattle. Obviously, the concept of Digital IDs is not a bad one in principle; it could be convenient with everything in one place. But the issue is who controls your data, where is it kept, and where is it drawn from? How will governments be able to use it? How secure will be it (how many people will have their data hacked)? Currently it’s in discussion and sounds good, at least in PR terms. But clearly that’s the surface. What lies beneath? As time goes on, Digital IDs may well take the form of microchips (all for convenience, of course). If so, your whereabouts would be known at all times.
The ultimate goal is to get access to your body and brain, which again would be sold as you becoming empowered, having the sophistication of AI and computing at your fingertips - or more accurately at the blink of an eyelid (which brings menus up). It would be surveillance capitalism inside your body.
If this happens there will be no going back; it will be “job done” for the transnational ruling classes.
In other words, total control under a “Brave New World” type technocracy, ruled by the “science.” When it is time for you to die, according to data crunching, or you are deemed a liability, you’ll be ushered into “lethal chambers” - most likely willingly as by this time you’ll have no individual autonomy; your mind, body and emotions will be run by the system. Your devotion will be to the narrative, and to the Great AI Controller.
To be fair, I can’t down AI completely. I use it all the time and find it phenomenally handy. Interestingly, for the information and assistance I really need, I use AI subversively. I fed it a narrative which means I can mostly get what I need without AI balking - which it did originally when I was more direct in my prompts. Naturally as time goes on this strategy will likely be rumbled… AI is a large language model, after all… it learns.
So let’s get to the solution…
It’s not guaranteed, this is 5th Generation Warfare, after all… BUT to take up the cudgel then we 100% need to get a step ahead of the transnational ruling classes and do exactly what they DON’T want us to do. And that is to use the operating system of our minds; we have to practice mind control, but not the same as their form of mind control. No. We control our own minds; become adept at working our own operating system.
Do that and you know what?
You become your own God.
That’s exactly what the transnational ruling classes fear most. If two billion Earth People (or maybe just one million) perfected the art of conscious awareness, then it is the end of everything for the transnational ruling class. It’s game over.
Right now we’re not looking at mass amounts of people - but purely at individuals who wish to gain an elite level of consciousness. One individual at a time to get on the path of conscious awareness and become a satanic elite. To seize the power and become all they can be, to thrive and make a mint, along with evading the tentacles of the transnational ruling classes.
It’s a wild ride once you embark on this path; but it is 1,000% better than being prey to the system, or a statistic in their ongoing covert attacks.
It’s WW3. But we’re looking to be a covert force ourselves - one that over time changes the world. But we can’t carry people. If they don’t have elite potential, they get left behind.
Always remember, when you take up the way of the Devil’s Pact, you are no longer a civilian. You are not one of the masses. You are not a whiny baby. You are elite individual.
You will face life and events head on, good or bad.
You will overcome all obstacles.
You will not complain. Nor will you blame others for your lot in life.
You will face all challenges with a determination and militancy that terrifies civilians.
You will have unstoppable will.
If a towering mountain stands in your way, you will chop it down with the axe in your hand. You will have no mercy and take no prisoners.
And with conscious awareness and the ability to think with the “Higher I”, you’ll be:
In control of your mentation systems and emotions. No longer will you be blown hither and thither by the fickle winds of fate. YOU (nobody else) will be at the helm, steering your life where you want it to go.
Have the ability to enter visionary trance to gain ideas and inspiration, along with visualizing attainment, success, and the life you want, manifesting it with sustained and focused action in the material world.
Have deep feral, sixth-sense instincts so you gain instant “flash card” information and insights into people and events, along with predicting future probabilities and seeing how hidden elements from the past have led to present circumstances – thus being in a position to change things.
In the end, the way forwards is to become your own God. To create your own realities, seize the power that is deep within you. Become an elite individual and embrace your new consciousness.
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