The Satanic Bargain is NOT a curse, nor do you forfeit your soul (if you have one)…
It’s a path to transcendence that evolves your very being into Human 2.0. - Homo Transcendus. You become your own God, breathing Promethean Fire, creating and shaping your own reality.
What the Devil’s Pact entails…
Going beyond limits via mastery of mind, body and emotions. This demands a very high level of discipline, which most Earth Bipeds do not have. Indeed, mastery of oneself is the great challenge - to rise above the animalistic drives and societal conditioning that beset the “old humans” (the benighted masses).
Accessing higher levels of consciousness, gaining knowledge and power akin to the very gods themselves. Along with cosmic insight, control over the psychic ether, and mastering energy.
Creation of a new being… those that live up to the terms of the Pact become Homo Transcendus, a being of elevated consciousness, no longer bound by fear, attachment, and weakness. They are the true heirs of the New Aeon.
Creation of a new being… those that live up to the terms of the Pact become Homo Transcendus, a being of elevated consciousness, no longer bound by fear, attachment, and weakness. They are the true heirs of the New Aeon.
A price to pay?
The only price is that of self-mastery. To achieve transformation one must overcome fear, doubt, and weaknesses. The ego must be transcended, and a clear, conscious control of the mind, body and emotions must be achieved.
Higher responsibility
With this monumental power comes the weight of leadership and potential alienation from the masses (no loss there). Homo Transcendus must balance their elevated state with wisdom and ultimate self-control or risk falling back into the unenlighted ways of old humans.
You must become your own God. Have total awareness and the sixth sense ability of a seer. You no longer require external validation, nor fear mortality. You are a creator, reshaping the world via your elevated state. You are an aristocrat of consciousness.
Let Doktor Snake help you seal the deal with Lord Satan:
DOKTOR SNAKE: Dubbed “the UK’s answer to Anton Lavey”. Bestselling author of Doktor Snake’s Voodoo Spellbook, Human Sacrifice, Cannibals, Mary Jane’s Hash Brownies, and How To Be Famous. Seller of over 20,000 certified spells since 1999. Globally acknowledged authority on the occult and the Faustian bargain.