The Devil's Pact: Gain Wealth, Power & Dominance...
“We do not worship. We bow to no higher authority save ourselves. For we are gods, shining stars within.”
Gain wealth, power and dominance (and any other damn thing you desire) with the most powerful magick on this spinning Earth…
DOKTOR SNAKE: Dubbed “the UK’s answer to Anton Lavey”. Bestselling author of Doktor Snake’s Voodoo Spellbook, Human Sacrifice, Cannibals, Mary Jane’s Hash Brownies, and How To Be Famous. Seller of over 20,000 certified spells since 1999. Globally acknowledged authority on the occult and the Faustian bargain.
Ask yourself:
How come Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk are billionaires?
How come the Rothschild Family and Larry Fink, along with the other ruling elites, own and control most of the planet?
How come J.K. Rowling went from welfare to mega-selling author with a simple kids’ book?
How come Jennifer Lawrence, a humble Kentucky girl, was propelled to fame as a teenager?
How come 1930s Mississippi bluesman Robert Johnson went from being a mediocre (at best) guitar player to a globally-acknowledge genius of the fretboard with Son House exclaiming “all our mouths were standing open.”
How come Taylor Swift can hook any (mega rich) guy she wants with a click of her finger?
How come bestselling author/playwright Somerset Maugham (1874-1965) skyrocketed to fame despite critics describing him as “merely competent”?
How come Jay-Z went from the hood to mixing with the world’s financial elites?
It didn’t happen by chance…
Sure, they’re all talented and have acumen, and unique skills. But so do a lot of people, and most of them are still living on the breadline; frustrated at going nowhere, or despondent that everything they do comes to nothing. They don’t understand why it is they never seem to get their fair share of the abundance and happiness that life offers.
If this sounds like you, perhaps it’s time you took matters into your own hands and did something about it. And stop banging your head against a brick wall.
Recognize that there really is more “in heaven and earth…than are dreamt of in your philosophy” (to quote Shakespeare).
The bottom line is:
Successful people have harnessed the arcane powers of the black arts, including the ability to control the wayward mind and emotions, along with utilizing the attributes of the infernal demons within (mapped in the Ars Goetia grimoire, among others). None of which has ever been fully revealed in books, and is only handed down via initiates.
In other words, successful people have access to hidden knowledge that you don’t. This is what propels them to greatness, and allows them to have the lion’s share of spoils on this planet.
They aren’t in the 0.01% for nothing. It wasn’t dumb luck…
No. One way or another, they utilized forces that most of the world sees as dark and nefarious. But in reality these forces are neutral. They are neither good or evil. They are simply energy – or rather unbridled, unstoppable, unrelenting POWER.
Recognize that you need to harness these forces too if you wish to gain wealth, power and dominance. It’s the only way to rise up out of your situation.
What does Lord Satan want in return for his patronage?
It’s simple. There’s no terms and conditions (not in the New Aeon we are entering now). He wants you to become a superior being and not flounder in the morass that is the flawed and insipid species of humanity. He wants you to be one of the builders of the New Aeon, the Satanic Kingdom.
He wants you to be:
In ultimate control of your being (few were in the old aeon).
To be able to stop your internal dialog at will; to be consciously aware; to find (rediscover or create) your Higher I or central controller; and to be in command of the “rearing horse” of emotions.
If you can do this, Lord Satan will bestow his graces upon you as one of the select few who is taking evolution into your own hands and transforming into “human 2.0”.
Do you lose your soul?
No. Most of humanity doesn’t have one (having lost it aeons ago). To the contrary, you gain your soul, your Higher I, central controller. You gain the ultimate power and become a superior being.
Recognize you do need to be educated to fully benefit from the Pact...
You can certainly be an autodidact like Dok and many luminaries in history. You don't need to have gone to Eton and Cambridge or Oxford (fine if you have though).
If you aren't educated you'll fail to achieve your goals because you'll be no better than the deluded insane asylum inmates that make up much of Earth Society. You need to be an elite individual. If you are not quite there yet, and have potential, Dok will get you there.
Let Doktor Snake help you seal the deal with Lord Satan…
The great glory and ultimate power resides within the Devil’s bargain. Based on ancient knowledge that goes back to the Bible lands, Northern Europe, Egypt, Africa, and then the fabled realms of Atlantis and Hyperborea.
“We are the lonely ones for we have knowledge the masses do not have. We do not worship. We bow to no higher authority save ourselves. For we are gods, shining stars within.”
To get to the details…
You write your petition to Satan. One page. I’ll give you a template. You fill it in. Write from your deepest being. Lay down all you wish to be and all that you desire. A Lord of this world.
On a prescribed day I go to the curious landmark in the Norfolk countryside known as the Devil’s Punchbowl. See the first section of the video.
Here I read your petition to Lord Satan himself. Having first evoked him via the technology of magick, similar to that found in the grimoires attributed to King Solomon.
I cast a sigil encompassing your name and DOB to the waters of the Devil’s Punchbowl pool.
From there I drive seventy miles over to the small town of Bungay, according to the last census the Satanic capital of Britain. Historical records from around 1500AD chronicle how a Devil dog known as Black Shuck burst into St Mary’s Church at Bungay, terrorizing the congregation, some dropping dead of fright. Thus legend has it that Black Shuck was Satan himself in bestial form, having shapeshifted into what I contend was werewolf form.
Once at St Mary’s I go to the ruined section to what is known both as the Devil’s Stone or Druid’s Stone. Here I again evoke Satan and bury your petition beside the Devil’s Stone itself, setting the Faustian Pact in stone. You forfeit nothing, but gain deep indomitable power, the very god within comes to the fore…
“And ye shall be all ye will to be. All shall yield to your dominant will. So shall it come to pass.”
I give full instructions and advice for moving forwards and seizing all that you will to be … The very “will to power”, as Nietzsche said.
There's more...
As part of the twelve month package of ritual boosters (and if the need arises), I will be able to help you with the following:
You might run a business, or have a high level career, and are involved in selling, PR and marketing or negotiations. In which case I will school you in the art of communications, leaving pauses, knowing exactly when to stop speaking for the strongest effect, all geared to gaining the reaction you want.
You might have people around you causing you grief, recalcitrant individuals related to your business or enterprise. In this case I will lay down "Machiavellian " style strategies and tactics to deal with them, along with fixing up a "back off" working to get rid of them.
Other times Dok will create a psy-ops campaign to deal with problem people or issues you are facing - one worthy of the Ancient India military manual, The Arthashastra.
Bottom line. If you need a real world strategy or even a "nuclear strike", I'll figure out how it can be done using subtlety and intrigue. There are ways to wage war without your adversaries knowing a war is raging. Foes can be vanquished and subdued with a "bloodless" coup. I'll also make sure their "hands are tied" leaving no capability for retaliation (once, that is, the terrible truth dawn's on them that you have vanquished them).
PLUS: Anytime you need a card reading (Marseilles deck), just ask. Bear in mind, with The Pact, readings are not the same as conducted for "civilians". They are guidance from the numinous, the "out there", and can come in the form of arcane advice that you have to figure out and make use of.
And I will school you in the following (as and when needed and usually via audio):
MIND CONTROL - how to be "consciously aware" (in command) of your mentation systems and emotions. No longer will you be blown hither and thither by the fickle winds of fate. YOU (and nobody else) will be at the helm, steering your life where you want it to go.
VISIONARY TRANCE - how to use self-hypnosis techniques to gain ideas and inspiration, along with visualising attainment, success, and the life you want, manifesting it with sustained and focused action in the material world.
FERAL PSI - how to increase your intuition and feral instincts so you gain instant "flash card" information and insights into people and events, along with predicting future probabilities and seeing how hidden elements from the past have led to present circumstances - thus being in a position to change things.
Will you get rich?
So long as you put the work in to become an elite individual... Then yes, The Pact will get you rich. Of that you can be assured.
Be relentless.
Be driven.
Rise above the herd.
Be ruthless.
Don't waste your time with fools.
See the world for what it actually is - tooth and claw.
Don't be taken in by sob stories (losers lie)
See the weak for what they really are - weak.
Be mighty and powerful.
Seize life by the horns and subdue it to your will.
You become an elite…
Always remember, when you take up The Pact, you are no longer a civilian. You are not one of the masses. You are not a whiny baby. You are elite individual.
You will face life and events head on, good or bad.
You will overcome all obstacles.
You will not complain. Nor will you blame others for your lot in life.
You will face all challenges with a determination and militancy that terrifies civilians.
You will have unstoppable will.
If a towering mountain stands in your way, you will chop it down with the axe in your hand. You will have no mercy and take no prisoners.
Lastly… with the Devil's Pact it's about achieving greatness and seizing all that life has to offer…
It's about becoming an elite individual. Rising above the masses, the subservient sheep who are too scared to say boo to a goose.
It's about being an unstoppable force where nothing can stand in your way. Cultivating a dominant will that will make lesser mortals (i.e. civilians and normies) cower and bow to your wishes.
In a world of tooth and claw, might Is right, and you my dear friend will be mighty. You will be a veritable Genghis Khan or Queen Boudicca.
You will overcome nations and have them in your thrall. You will not ask, you will take. If the weak give way to you, it's their lookout... They should find some mettle and not be weak.
You are the predator, not the prey. You are a sabre-toothed tiger. With one snarl the meek shall fall to their knees begging you to spare them, offering you all they've got in return for your mercy. "Oh you cowering cowards, it's all too easy," you'll whisper to yourself, taking all they've got without a second thought.
The Pact: Pricing
To pay for either one of the two options below, hit the relevant “add to cart” button below (payments are via Paypal). Alternatively you can pay with Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency. (Payment options available, just ask).
Option 1:
Ritual & evocation of Lord Satan at the Devil’s Punchbowl. Sealing the deal at the Devil’s Stone at Bungay.
One year of ritual magick (one working a month) to boost your main intention/request. Plus one audio from me a month teaching you the art and craft of bringing your “inner god” to the fore, harnessing your real power within.
Plus you have personal access to Doktor Snake whose expertise involves more than magick and the occult – includes bestselling author, national newspaper journalist, consultant to major companies in communications and technology, adviser in IPOs and investments.
Cost: $3,500.
Option 2:
Standalone – ritual & evocation of Lord Satan at the Devil’s Punchbowl. Sealing the deal at the Devil’s Stone at Bungay.
Cost: $850.
🔊 P.S. Get a FREE pathworking audio – “Satan on the Beach”. (Message me on Telegram Messenger, and I’ll forward you the MP3.