The Devil in old time conjuration lore
"The Devil has cloven feet and has the look of a gentleman. He wears a silk top hat and frock coat..."
My mentor, Earl Marlowe featured in my Voodoo Spellbook, often used to talk about the Devil. In old time conjure lore, Satan was typically seen as a powerful conjurer, not to be messed with, but critical to call on to empower rituals.
This was very much Earl’s attitude too. Here’s some of the things Earl used to say about the Devil – unearthed from my old notebooks:
“The Devil is very, very real. Don’t pay no mind to what unbelievers say. He walks this earth and he can take any form at will. He interferes in human affairs and is sometimes invisible. An old Baptist woman I knew in the South, for example, once heard the ‘bomp, bomp, bomp’ of his footsteps when she was trying to convert a sinner, but she didn’t see nothing.
The Devil has cloven feet and has the look of a gentleman. He wears a silk top hat and frock coat. He was an ambrosial curl of hair in the center of his forehead to hide the single horn located there.
The Devil can appear in disguise as a black cat, sitting up there on the floor learning folks’ business and scheming ways to tempt them.
The Devil can also appear as a rabbit, terrapin, serpent, housefly, grasshopper, toad, bat or as a yellow dog. In Mississippi he used to appear as a black billy goat. I know ’cause I seen him once.
When the Devil appears as a snake he is black with yellow splotches on his back. He lives in the graveyard and moans and groans at the dark o’ the moon.
When the Devil was in the form of a serpent, long ago, he succeeded in tempting Adam and Eve. He laughed so much at what he done, he split in two, into a spirit snake and a material snake. The spirit part of him goes about tempting folks and helping conjurers; but the material part lives down there in the graveyard. That’s the way it is, for sure.”
I have seen a big jack rabbit in graveyard here wodlawn itsbig about4ft looks like rabbit but it jumps threwgravestones wanted me to follow it it was daytime In summer scared me I left never went was biggest rabbit I ever saw. Why did I see that saw it twice.jewel
I never got over how tall the rabbit was it looked like a big jack rabbit in its summer liked its ears twitched its nose.acted like a rabbit. I followed it as it move daround gravestones. When it went threw a gravestone.i left.the next time I saw it was 17 yrs later a bright summer day was at graveyard with my grand daughters ages 5 and 2 the 5 yr old crystal saw the rabbit yelled I want to pet the big bunny went running after it. Her sister Carol Ann ran after it too.i couldn't catch them. Then crystal stopped said why did that bunny jump threw that rock.(gravestone) as they chased it it would stop lick its ear and let them catch up. I caught the girls and left I've never been back.i think it was a evil Indian witch doctor shape shifter.