The Hidden Hand: Doktor Snake Speaks Out About The Ruling Overlords (Elites) and their Aeon-Long Domination Of Planet Earth...
He reveals who they are, what their plan is, and outlines the fightback for the resistance...
It was written in the cards...
"A hidden hand is behind it all. Remember. Remember. Long ago."
As the glimmers of dawn began to pepper the receding night realm, I gathered up my cards and hit the hay, musing in a dream-like state on the message from the cards, an old Marseilles tarot deck, reputedly designed by the Count of St. Germain, he who lives still, and some say, was around some 2,000 years ago, a witness to the crucifixion of the political prisoner, Jesus, by the powers-that-be of the time.
What did the message mean?
Up to a point, I already knew the answer from nebulous visions I'd had going way back. But it was a question of recalling them with more precision and casting off the fabricated history that has been portrayed to society. Memories of the past become blurred even if you experienced first hand events yourself (just ask the Count of St. Germain). The narrative - or mass gaslighting - makes you doubt even your own recall.
You can't rely on old texts as they've been tampered with. For example, there is NO God in The Bible, nor in related texts. There are no gods and goddesses in the Iliad. To understand this you have to go to the earliest versions of the texts with proper translations. You need to read them literally; the religious and spiritual elements were a ruse by the hidden hand to control Earth hominids.
The truth is coming out and it will be beyond shocking for the majority of people on the planet. Even worse will be if and when the hidden hand reveals itself. It will not be pretty.
Ideally, you need to be prepared as a matter of extreme urgency.
Here's what I said to Dark Angel after I mused upon the message that came via the Marseille tarot…
When it comes to The Bible, The Koran, the Vedas, Epic of Gilgamesh, et al, you have to get to the original texts and read proper translations. Essentially we're talking "aliens" of some kind. They are the "hidden hand". I sometimes say "space aliens", but we could be talking intelligent beings from parallel worlds.
Back six to ten thousand years ago, some form of genetic engineering went on. Bear in mind, the hominids on Earth hadn't really progressed in millions of years. Cognition and consciousness may have been limited, thus little development in terms of tools and innovation.
When the aliens came to Earth, be it from space or other dimensions, they set about improving the hominids on the planet. They didn't do this out of altruism. They were seriously nasty and simply wanted capable slaves to fulfil tasks, such as mining resources from the planet. It's possible they were heavy duty "drug heads" too, addicted to andrenochrome, so harvested that from given sections of Earth hominids, fattening them up to make the andrenochrome more potent... not to mention scaring the hell out of them to get the adrenaline flowing, and the andrenochrome to haute cuisine levels. Child sacrifice, of course, was part of it... "sacrifice" was always about andrenochrome.
Essentially, Earth hominids were farm animals; and still are, but the hidden hand cast an enchantment over them all, so they didn't realize they were mere cattle... this was a kind of magic involving mesmerism, propaganda and the reshaping of history. All in a bid to keep control of the growing Earth population, which is now around 8.5 billion.
Take nothing on faith...
All we have been told is a lie. The only truth you can know is your own truth. And to even know that you have to be consciously aware, and have a "Higher I." From there you can gain accurate visions of the reality of the past. Being consciously aware is the only way to cast off the programming from the hidden hand.
Back when the aliens arrived on Earth, there were multiple species of hominid living on the planet - Neanderthals, Homo Erectus, Homo Naledi, Australopithecus Afarensis, Homo Hablis, Homo Gautengensis, Homo Heidelber-Gensis, Homo Luzonensis, Homo Sapiens, and many more.
As I say, they didn't seem to progress or innovate.
Then along came the "strange gods" (the creators), perhaps from far away in the cosmos, or another dimension. Either way, they may have been involved in a galactic war and were fleeing from their enemy.
They used their advanced tools of genetic modification to upgrade those hominids indigenous to our world - Neanderthals, Homo Erectus, Homo Sapiens, etc. The first instances of genetic modification were to create capable workers (actually slaves) for mining resources from the planet. Eventually, they created a bureaucratic caste to manage things. Today, these are the likes of Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Justin Trudeau, lackeys for the hidden hand, which were an elite caste created directly from the aliens' DNA... or at least they had a lot more alien DNA than the other genetically modified hominids. Thus they are seriously nasty too.
A higher caste than these were created too...
These were the top managers or controllers, if you like. When the aliens left Earth, perhaps around 4,000 years ago, this caste were left in charge. They may originally have had conical heads, hence we dub them "cone heads", though this tailed off when the females couldn't seem to have offspring... this barrenness may have started in the 1500s... from there they were forced to mate with other castes that had more Homo Sapien or human DNA. Thus the pronounced conical heads reduced in size. But take a look at photos of the Rothschilds and you still spot this feature, albeit subtle now. (This cone head stuff I got from Clif High, BTW).
One of the other genetically modified castes created by the aliens were a warrior caste...
These proved a problem in terms of them growing too powerful and erudite, not to mention displaying powerful PSI abilities. These were somewhat different to the PSI abilities of the aliens, who were mostly good at mesmerizing and making the Earth hominids compliant. The warrior caste could remote view, astral travel, and influence from a distance... they could also be astral assassins, but this wasn't instant, it took time, and was used as a last resort as it was (and is) unreliable at best... it's a bit like "men staring at goats" (check Jon Ronson), as in to kill with the power of the mind.
The Creators (aliens) were none too happy at the warrior caste becoming troublesome. It was absolutely not what they wanted. So they used their "sun bombs" to wipe the warrior caste out. They tricked them into congregating somewhere in the Middle East and unleashed the full extent of their weaponry on them. Some escaped, but were hunted down with drones firing death rays at them. Nevertheless, a fair few survived this and fled to the Indus Valley on the subcontinent of India. The inhabitants in that region were not genetically modified and thought the warrior caste were gods, what with their ability to control their minds and perform apparent "miracles" with their PSI abilities.
Incidentally, the warrior caste put together a manual of their mind science under the name Patanjali - the texts were called "Sutras" and "Siddhis", and were essentially a techical manual for those of their own kind or caste or species. The warrior caste, known as the Nosferatu species, eventually spread around the world in small pockets or colonies.
This was after the Creators abandoned the Earth and went elsewhere...
Leaving was either down to their cosmic enemies figuring out where they were, or down to warring factions amongst their own kind. Either way, they left Earth... but the bureaucratic caste carried on with the aliens' plans and we see this today. The whole thing went into overdrive in 2020 with the pandemic and lockdowns (but going into overdrive has happened many times before over the aeons). Also, the aliens may yet return. So we need to keep an eye on UFO reports - though it's also possible the hidden hand elites will stage a fake alien invasion in a bid to keep Earth hominids under control... currently the hidden hand is running scared due to so many of Earth people's waking up to what's been going on.
You know the story about me...
How Earl Marlowe (featured in my Doktor Snake's Voodoo Spellbook), was of the ancestral line that fled to the Indus Valley - the warrior / Nosferatu caste. It turned out he chose me to be his "apprentice" due to seeing that I was of that heritage too, but mine being Hyperborean, his being African. That makes little odds; all apparent nationalities have some individuals from that particular line. It's the same with you via your ancestral line (castles in Scotland, etc), which, like me, is Hyperborean.
We're still working on piecing the whole story together - the covered up and faked history. Others are working from different angles, like bringing the idea of the lost empire of Tartaria to the fore. The whole thing is coming out. But that makes these very dangerous times as the hidden hand / elites are turning very nasty in a bid to keep control (get ready for a fake alien invasion). Our best strategy, at least for those of the warrior caste, is to utilize PSI-ops against the ruling overlords. Use our distance influence abilities. It's critical we get down to this as a matter of utmost urgency.
How much and what package do buy for the hidden hand and fo Archangels have more Power to remove it destroy the hidden hand.?