Two For Tuesday: Dokology vs Mindfulness - The Scryotron Method - DEW Attacks On A Par With 9/11 Coming...
PLUS: space alien genetic engineering, the Khazarian Mafia, and adrenochrome...
→ From our Discord channel, Dok and DA talking…
Dokology vs mainstream Mindfulness: you guessed it Dokology WINS… yep, we’re talking ancient mind science and the aether…
→ Dokology:
The “Skryotron” method of divining from the aether
One way we gain information is via what we call our "Skryotron", which is an obsidian crystal pendulum along with a chart. Rather than the yes, no, or don't know of regular pendulum use, you can gain much more detailed communications from the aether - that is, outside of our everyday reality, be it hyperspace or the Akashic Record.
You have to be careful with this kind of thing as you can get rogue entities coming in that will deceive you, or for that matter, scare you for sadistic pleasure. There's a need to be discerning and to test the information that comes to you.
In a sense, this method is similar to the Ouija. But it's more DIY, and with the charts we make on any old bit of card, you have spaces so you know a new word is beginning, and also punctuation. This makes a lot of difference as you don't have to figure out a whole jumble of letters to sort out what the words are.
Using very specific "call signs", we often access information from our ancestral bloodlines - which is a good idea as you know you're not involving yourself with tricky denizens or travelers in hyperspace.
Skryotron prediction: DEW attack - on a par with 9/11 - coming soon
This is what I’ve been getting from our Skryotron method, recurring signals and warning signs that we will be seeing an attack similar in scale to 9/11. Make no mistake, this won’t be terrorists, anymore than 9/11 was. This will be an attack on the people. Or you could say the people will be collateral damage; the attack will be a massive diversion, a distraction from the terrifying data on excess deaths and injuries that is coming out via word of mouth all over the world.
The elites have no choice but to mount a major distraction. What the target will be I don’t know yet. Nor which country it will be in. Though it’s inevitably going to be in the West. The most likely candidate is the US, followed by the UK… I doubt Europe, but you never know.
What are Directed Energy Weapons (DEW)?
Basically they are electromagnetic systems that convert chemical or electrical energy to radiated energy - from high-energy lasers to high-power microwaves releasing powerful radio frequency waves.
From there all hell breaks loose. Look a Maui. That was a big one, but localized and the media didn’t care that much, the story was a nothing in a sense. Not enough page views. Not enough money. It was utterly devastating for locals in and around Maui. Whole families incinerated. Countless missing children. And the whole area sealed off. We don’t know for sure what actually happened there; the whole thing was covered up, put down to high winds and wild fires…
But a serious BIG ONE looks like it is coming. Perhaps soon. DEW attacks appear to come out of nowhere. You can’t see the enemy. It’s not like WW2 with air raid sirens wailing.
How can you protect yourself?
Stay vigilant. Take note of your gut feelings and instincts. Don’t believe the mainstream media; read between the lines. Keep up with the resistance channels. And remember that the elites… the Khazarian Mafia… are getting desperate now. For 6,000 years they’ve been able to keep in the shadows, their machinations manipulating history and controlling populations. Now it’s beginning to unravel. Many Earth people have woken up to what’s going on. Even the normies are starting to feel unsettled, especially with the excess death and injury data seeping out. This is a good sign.
Of course, the normies minds will be blown when the space alien stuff comes out…
How in the ancient past, around 8,000 years ago or so, space aliens came to Earth, and used their advanced tools to upgrade those hominids indigenous to our world, Homo Erectus, Homo Habilis, Neanderthals, Cro Magnon, and others. Some of those genetically engineered proved a problem in terms of growing too powerful and erudite, not to mention displaying powerful PSI abilities. This was not what the space aliens wanted. So they used their “sun bombs” to wipe them out.
Some escaped to the Indus Valley on the subcontinent of India and this was were “mind science” was first developed on Earth. Eventually due to warring factions the space aliens abandoned Earth and went elsewhere.
The implications of all this are enormous…
Not least, the space alien invasion was what all religions were referring to, not spirituality. For example, it was what the Bible was all about. There is no “God” in the Bible at all. The original translations it was the Elohim… the space aliens. And these space aliens were beyond nasty. Just read the Old Testament; “God” was not a pleasant character. The space aliens also seem to have been massive drug heads addicted to adrenochrome, harvesting it via human sacrifice, which was highly prevalent across the world. The Celtic “wicker man”, where people were piled into effigies and burned alive, likely involved the harnessing and snorting of adrenochrome.
Religion is already blown apart…
But this is a good thing as the truth is coming out. PLUS: so long as you learn or remember conscious awareness, having a higher I, and all the methodologies of the ancient mind science, then you will be far more empowered.
Plus my personal maxim, born of long, long ago, is this:
We bow to no higher authority; we do not worship.
Forever & always…
Other stuff
Below is an interview with the beyond excellent Clif High - it’s a DMT trip in and of itself!