What are your views on reincarnation
Have we all had past lives throughout the ages either here on Earth or maybe even on other planets?
Below taken from a social media discussion between Doktor Snake and I…
From: Bellator Leonis
Hello everyone I've got a question. What are your views concerning reincarnation?
Have we all had past lives throughout the ages either here on Earth or maybe even on other planets!
Or are we tapping into a group memory?
My own view is that we have. I mean there are so many likes/dislikes that we each have that aren't learnt, familiarity with certain places, irrational fears, even instant like or dislike in regards to total strangers we've just met that we just can't explain etc.
Maybe you all even have past life memories!
I don't personally subscribe to the whole karma thing or that coming back here to Earth life after life is to help us evolve, for me it feels for sure like a prison that we're forced to keep coming back to with our emotions being harvested as energy/ loosh by other entities.
Love to hear your thoughts. Thanks. 🙂
From: Doktor Snake
In my role as Devil's Advocate, I would ask why it is the Earth bipeds seem determined that there is meaning to the universe and life itself? Why can't it all be random and meaningless? And past lives simply be deep imagination much like lucid dreaming. Just enjoy it as wild and fun. And relish living in a universe that is random and has no meaning at all. Enjoy the chaos! Be whoever you want to be in history for a day, a week or a lifetime. Create your own past lives and, who knows, they might become true in a world where nothing is true.
And transhumanism is coming very soon... No more old humans 1.0... enter the new humans 2.0... the once human machines whose consciousness is uploaded to the cloud... Will past lives be in transhumans? Or will the man machines want to forget the old humans, the inferior ones, that inhabited the planet?
And the transhumans will be Universal' as, given their techno bodies, space travel won't be a problem, no need for life support systems.
So do past lives even matter in the transhumans world? Are they over and done with? If they ever existed at all?
From: Bellator Leonis
Ahh yes but I just cannot subscribe to everything being a random fluke and meaningless. I personally feel that there simply has to be plan. Everything has been created in such complexity from our ecosystems to the human body.
Just looking at our planet simple things like bees help pollination, spiders (eww) even they keep the other insects numbers down.
Everything seems to have been planned. Now for sure we could be living in a simulation but then the question still remains. Who then created prime reality? Nothing can be random.
Let's say our creation though is a fluke just the coming together of various atoms by chance then by that same logic I should be able to throw a rough crystal to the ground and in an instant it will become a perfectly carved and polished work of art. Or let's take some primates and place then in front of a typewriter surely with enough time they'll eventually recreate the play Hamlet word for word.
Speaking of dreaming, well all creatures need sleep or they simply can't function but then perhaps our waking life is really the dream and the dreamworld is in actuality reality!
There are so many mysteries to the universe that we simply can't comprehend it all in our fragile human shells.
With transhumanism well that's a danger most definitely but we humans have a soul and drive / imagination transhumans will just be machines for once the body is more machine then man the soul will simply exit. Well that's what I believe.
I suppose that if ever our memories could be downloaded into artificial ones then well we may possibly become Gods but Gods with no free will as everything about being human will have been stripped away. Fear, passion, belief they've been factors in making human civilisation what it is, transhumanism will be the end of innovation also.
But then we get into the area of can memories be faked and if we believe a lie to be the truth then it may very well become so.
Late night philosophical musings, excellent!
I suppose at the end of the day to quote the philosopher Socrates.
"I know that I know nothing"
From: Doktor Snake
Dark Angel can't subscribe to random either. Your good pal (me), the emperor of all that is obsidian, sometimes makes the mistake of saying to DA about some highly surprising turn of fortune. "What are the odds of that?"
Then she goes, "Everything happens for a reason."
Naturally I'm as riled as a raccoon that's lost its black eye shadow. But I can't think of a retort.
Anyway, yes, so called "creation" (no such thing, of course) is incredibly complex. But doesn't not complexity come as a result of the random? Chaos? And from there comes entropy?
Leaving aside all religious notions of divinity, is not chaos the creator? Do we not have the mathematics to show this in chaos theory?
But our beloved Earth Bipeds, of course, have a penchant for seeing patterns in everything. They can't simply enjoy this as a fun activity. It has to have meaning!
Oh MEANING thou art the true god of these two-legged, upright beings...
As to bees, certainly superior beings, but the thing about chaos it tends to coalesce into order... From there comes entropy, they pollinate, the flowers bloom, then whither. Tis but entropy.
Now let's get to the root of the matter. "Everything seems to have been planned you say?"
Pretty poor planning I'd content. The worst of it being our beloved Earth Bipeds. They're hooligans wrecking the place, destroying whole ecosystems... And causing terrible suffering. If there's a planner, he, she or it, is an incompetent buffoon, and that's being kind.
If indeed we are living in a simulation, a digital universe, then the planners are amateurs, way to many bugs in the system, the rogue code or virus being our beloved two-legged, upright creatures.
As to being able to turn a rough crystal in the ground into a perfectly polished work of art... We are nearly there now, perhaps a few decades away. Nano Fabricators. They will be able to create anything you want out of raw atoms from earth, water and dirt. Already we are down to molecule level. So the advent of Nano Fabricators... Like the Replicator devices on Star Trek... Are nigh.
How did all this come about?
By the random act of the TV show Star Trek being crested. Young scientists being inspired, and then, as a couple of top scientists told me directly, "We had to see if we could make a Replicator machine."
Who needs a planner when chaos does perfectly fine?
As to Socrates, "I know that I know nothing..." They never tell you what Nothing said in reply.
"Of course you know Nothing. You're talking to him aren't you? Duh, me! But in knowing Nothing, you don't ever seem to see that I am Chaos, the Creator. Out of nought springs chaos and all sorts of glory, and dead ends, and complete muck ups, ensues. And yet you still ascribe meaning to it all!"
From: Bellator Leonis
Wow what a fantastic response!
Out of chaos eventually comes order definitely an interesting take on things doc.
I do agree that there's definitely been poor planning especially regarding our physical human bodies which are prone to all sorts of diseases and swift aging but then that opens up the whole 'did aliens tamper with our DNA' discussion.
Another thing to ponder is was there a beginning and so will there then be an eventual end to all things or perhaps the universe always existed?
Going back to reincarnation perhaps our bodies are similar to those characters one picks in a computer game, we choose our avatar and the difficulty level life after life. Then again and this is what I personally lean to is that we're prisoners on a prison planet, at death don't go towards the light but instead turn away otherwise we'll be forced back given limited choices and our memories wiped supposedly for our own good and then redo the traumatic birth experience once again.
PS my absolute favourite quote of yours from the above was "I'm riled as a raccoon that's lost it's black eye shadow!" Haha 😂
From: Doktor Snake
End and beginning, that's really human mentation, which is very limited in scope. I don't think answers can be found with our primitive languages. Perhaps with mathematics... As in chaos theory, which shows with equations how out of chaos comes order, then entropy, and variations of all that, strange attractors, etc.
Mathematics is at least a precise "language." Words aren't and have led to many hallucinations, as words create an image; they are ideograms. They set off memes that are delusional. All that is fine if you simply enjoy it. Problems arise when people argue that their hallucinations are real, which happened with the God idea, and much of the Abrahamic religions. None of that would have mattered if they just had fun with it and didn't try to foist their ideas on others.
With an end and a beginning, the other issue is something must have been there before the beginning, and so it goes on. No problem without and end of beginning! Best to make reality pretty simple and see what happens.