Watching you latest video got me thinking about the lantern men of the Norfolk & Suffolk Fens. They were ghostly lights that were believed to be wayward spirits that attempted to lead unwary travellers to their deaths deep within the fens. A variation of the Will o' the Whisp of folklore.

Also some people believe that sightings of orbs are actually the spirits of the dead, ghosts if you will. Lots have been spotted in photos taken over old battlegrounds of places of historic interest. Some even being seen in videos taken by security cameras.

Now they could just be particles of dust and/or insects in some cases but then again lots of professional photographers have also captured the phenomena and have no explanation.

Perhaps orbs could even be energetic portals with interdimensional beings trying to get through.

Another tremendous video Doc. Cheers for posting.

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Yes, you can park up about ten miles from me and wander across the Fens to where the Lantern Men used to be sighted. Towards the Great Ouse. Not even that far away from Feltwell and Lakenheath bases. In the past people saw these things as ghost lights. Now we have to have a techno gloss.

Personally I think the borderlands or middle marches ... Their denizens are coming out. No government or military could say that. It would be game over for Western society. The only way out would be free prescriptions for psylicibin, that would stabilize everyone, many though would jump into the sea, well the gods always demand a sacrifice. Then we'd have an archaic revival, with the beneficial aspects of tech, and a different type of control system based on the oracles and psychedelic temples - the same as Ancient Greece ... Even a real democracy like Ancient Greece has for a while.

The elites would be killed with poison darts fired by the young girl priestesses of the temples.

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