Thoughts for this morning - about divination, astrology and so on. Back a few hundred years there were court astrologers like Dr John Dee. Divining was a science, and might have been one that rivalled modern computer modelling and AI... or bettered it. The ruling overlords likely relied on it. Could they have predicted upcoming environmental catastrophe? As in another ice age? And what we are seeing now is to do with that? Possibly elites looking to get off planet?
Divination technology - elites using psychic "modelling" superior to AI and algorithms
Astrology and tarot and other divining systems were once a science and the preserve of the ruling overlords - could they have predicted a coming cataclysm, and be looking to get off planet?
Sep 20, 2023

Doktor Snake
Author. Chaos magick practitioner. Explorer of the unknown. Dive into the far edges of the occult, tech-infused mysticism, and the mysteries of consciousness. Best known for Doktor Snake’s Voodoo Spellbook and a legacy in journalism (The Independent, Daily Telegraph, Financial Times), I offer thought-provoking insights and tools for hacking reality in a chaotic world. Subscribe to journey into the etheric, the arcane, and the untamed frontiers of the human mind.
Author. Chaos magick practitioner. Explorer of the unknown. Dive into the far edges of the occult, tech-infused mysticism, and the mysteries of consciousness. Best known for Doktor Snake’s Voodoo Spellbook and a legacy in journalism (The Independent, Daily Telegraph, Financial Times), I offer thought-provoking insights and tools for hacking reality in a chaotic world. Subscribe to journey into the etheric, the arcane, and the untamed frontiers of the human mind.Listen on
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