Is Doktor Snake the Count of Saint Germain?
Saint Germain reputedly lived for hundreds of years, or was immortal - what is certain is he was an accomplished musician, painter and diplomat - how come Doktor Snake is his spitting image?
For a short period, during the 1990s, when Doktor Snake was staying in the heart of New Orleans, he continued to weave his magic, just like he did in his native England, giving hope to those who had exhausted all other options for solace. But then a few locals stopped and stared at him, as if they'd seen something they hadn't seen before.
One old lady in her nineties gave Doktor Snake a piercing gaze.
"I knew there was something familiar about you. I remember a man that looked just like you from when I was a mere girl. Like you, he was from Europe and only here for a short time. He was kind, though nobody felt they truly knew him, nor what he was. We were sorry to see him leave. Was he your grandfather?"
"No, madame, he wasn't my grandfather," replied Doktor Snake. "But he was somebody I know intimately - a Count."
With that Doktor Snake headed for the airport at Baton Rouge and left.
Who was the Count of Saint Germain
The Count of Saint Germain, also known as Comte de Saint Germain, was an enigmatic European nobleman who lived during the 18th century. There are accounts of Saint Germain appearing at different points in history, supposedly without having aged. These accounts include encounters with him in the 18th century and later sightings in the 19th and even the 20th century, which led to the belief that we was immortal.
The Count was also multi-talented. He could speak many European languages, was a talented musician (see video further down), a painter, linguist, and diplomat. All this only added to the mystique that surrounded him.
Saint Germain was known to move in elite European circles and served as an adviser and diplomat to various European courts, including France. His diplomatic roles often fueled rumors and speculation about his true origins and capabilities.
Some said he was immortal or had discovered the secret to eternal youth. This was because of his apparent agelessness. This notion drew speculation that he had access to alchemical or mystical knowledge that extended his lifespan.
What happened to Saint Germain nobody knows. After his apparent death and funeral reports circulated that he had reappeared, including in London and even New Orleans.
I’m not 100% sure what to think reading this. I really like your articles and blogs. I’ve researched a lot about the count. I actually take Ormus and I use dragons blood. They are insanely good products and if you’re trying to say what I think you’re trying to say, I believe you and I believe your story about this particular thing. I could really see where a long time ago if you were mixing in dragon, blood ormus and wine together. It could look a little strange, because after all, no one likes that bitter taste dragon blood yuck lol