
A man of wealth and taste, I hope you guessed his name...

A cold realist revealing uncomfortable truths about human folly and its illusion of morality…

A being of grandeur and intellectual refinement, the epitome of rebellion, yet mesmerizing and unsettling. Look closely and you may notice a fleeing cruelty in his full lips, hinting, perhaps, at his fallen nature.

His eyes luminous with knowledge, burning with a smoldering fire that never dims nor falters. A voice like music turned to thought, an eloquence that can charm angels or corrupt the hearts of mortals.

He speaks in paradoxes, challenging the listener to question the nature of good and evil, freedom and tyranny, love and power.

In his rhetoric is the defiance of one who would “rather rule in Hell than serve in Heaven.”

A detached philosopher who views humanity with both curiosity and disdain. A cold realist revealing uncomfortable truths about human folly and its illusion of morality… it’s lies of existence.

In the end, Lord Satan is best described as the “ultimate outsider.”
