Indeed I feel lunarians were a thing. I actually wonder why some cultures brought stuff about moon princesses and honey moons and so on like rites in the corn fields... something must have been connected to all these things... ancient remnants...of technology that no longer exists...

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I think so. And it's all coming out now. Or beginning to. Much of what we thought we knew, as in how history was written or rewritten, will prove to be mostly false, and we'll be figuring out what was really going on. So wild times ahead! Plus chaos! But we'll all embrace it as best we can. So I'm optimistic.

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Doc if this is so, why can't we all know for certain what really happened!. Can spiritual beings tell us what is happening!? Another question...can you talk to "Satan" "Gardreel" or "Lucifer and his twin" or more for answers 100 percent...what would be say of me if I asked for a complete reading or request a complete 💯 percent accurate answer to my question...I had some eerie things happen, again to me and information that is concerning to me that I'd like to pay for a doc session...I also wanted to ask if you can read someone's luck or energy level or positive or negative readings of spiritual stuff. I done so much sorcery and again, I have questions that you might have the complete 💯 percent accurate information and answers to ...past and present works and what they actually caused... from both a spiritual and physical level. Mainly its because people I talked to keep saying stuff that is weirding me out and I noticed very odd decreprencies in Abrahamic faiths that is too hard or to easy to just think its coincidence ot to actually notice. I need to know how much of it true and how much of it is actually false and get a complete 💯 percent accurate information reading from either the "Devil" or " God" with so much variation that does not match up even in Christianity, I want to know who actually has really truthful holy Spirit information that makes sense and also if the issues with using black rituals without knowing, understanding, or using them correctly and what consequences did it cause!? You know doc!? Reasons are like why can't I get good employment even as I do try hard, why can't I see the spiritual world and psychic connections and must this be to no inherent spiritual gifts or connections or ancestors or psychic connections or maybe an ancestor who made a pact and failed affecting my spiritual vision or gifts!? Or is the cloud of energy still there... My situation is concerning still. Much more that intense...had a bunch of monks pray for me and their version of the Holy Spirit said that I was going to die in my room at the age of 33. In the past I used similar services to find out who said the truth and if it was God and if they all said the same things. Unfortunately it was never the complete 💯 percent accurate information or truth from God or HS. Or the information was omitted from me knowing...it was only the spiritual power of Demons who told me things 100 percent that I knew certain things that would have been unknowable to me...now I know I either have two step moms or one and either one or two stepbrothers. And it matches some stories that my mother told me that I could never independently verify. But felt it was so. I'd like to meet my step brother in real life and see if he was a real person or not. Or if he is dead. For me, it would be a great deal if I could pay you for a straight up 100 percent accurate divination sessions that would answer everything absolutely about me and my existence as well as information about certain people, issues, or things that I have questions about. I also want to ask if Lucifer or any powerful being or a solution can be brought up for a myriad of things that are not easy to resolve or might be even influenced by dark side or light side or anything of energy that works against me and to understand what is happening and what is going on and if their is a dark side portal causing these problems to like longer and never be fixed. Or if it's an issue in my honest opinion where the supreme being is trying to play matrix like games even as some of my problems could be accidental or intentional. And this is because how does this being know my life and events before they happen unless he absolutely planed my life from the start and rigged it. I need to ask and beg to my freedom because I am feeling stuck in life and nothing with spirituality and personal that I am doing is working...yeah. This is all.

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Also Doc. How do you know positively your interactions are with the actual physical demons or Devil or spiritual beings when I can't see, hear, touch, or manifest or manipulate things with their help. A lot that I know has been opened up with the study of all forms and types of ancient dead or live, modern, or more rituals. I definitely need some assistance here to check if something or someone is fake or real from the spiritual side of things and the world...

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Ah, the denizens of hyperspace can be tricky, for sure. Not bad; usually very different agendas. But you will KNOW when you connect with a being that is somehow connected to you. And you will be able to take that as factual, even if there is the surreal, visionary aspects of hyperspace going on. Think William Blake.

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OK, the real information... well things are changing radically. It goes way back, but the very evident changes took off in very early 2020 with the alleged pandemic. So the only 100% answers will be your own, your deeper self, the subconscious. You will KNOW but it won't be via the internal dialog or left brain dominance. This will be right brain... and your OBJECTIVITY is the balance between the two.

There's ways to work with energies, pull them to you, or deflect the bad stuff. I can see what you are saying about the matrix... that's kind of in Simulation Theory. I'm none too sure how much is planned... we can get into probability streams, which is valid... BUT equally DA insists (from personal experience) that everything happens for a reason.

But I can fix up something for you, for sure. Perhaps a Dokology Session at:


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Doc snake...I had a situation where I keep running into unexpected roadblocks. What is happening in my situation...some important mail fails to keep coming to me and yet whatever I do doesn't fix the situation...what is important about this cargo is the amount of blocked funds and several important documents...now, you may think...why is this kid still with this scam that he told me about...but what I want to seriously know is ...why these groups of people that I am in contact operating the way they are...also, are there funds in my accounts at this bank where they basically have shipped me documents from or has it been stolen and what was I made to pay...that could prove detrimental to me and are there spiritual forces trying to also interfere or keep me from getting my paperwork and important cargo. Also, I got to phones on the line that were supposedly taken by these individuals with the FBI/CIA. I am concerned that these people who I have powerful connections to might destroy these devices as well as keep documents for themselves from me. They already took or disappeared some of my documentation trove. I need a real good psychic recon to understand what is actually going on. Definitely can you please let me know what I must do and if you can take a look at my situation... because I believe someone already took some documents back or my personal information like phones. I need assistance for this situation to look at the steps of what I should do.

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I had a question...here it is.

How do you prove or disprove that your spiritual or mental or physical or any other stuff isn't the result of gene or generational or spiritual crap ... especially if nothing or prayers or meditation or spiritual or Magikal abilities fail, or fall short, or you don't hear anything or fail to receive guidance or understanding directly from these spiritual or mental or energetic beings!? What could be the root cause of a person not being able to see them, communicate or not have spiritual gifts of course to aid in ones understanding of ones own difficulties and situations and receive support that is 100 percent knowledgeable and understanding of the situation or issue the cause of the root at hand...

Is this my theory of understanding correct that a persons who can't Access this could actually have spiritual or blind or like a piece of cloth over their head or mind, or genetics do not allow one to gain or see access into the spirit world or gain access to required Information and it can be many factors or an actual root problem cause for everything that a person can be experiencing with things not happening or occuring in the supernatural or carrying over into the physical realm or manifesting and why is that!? Can you discern the root cause and prescribe a spiritual or medical cure or cleansing to help one adjust or get into that spiritual space that many try to reach within without a certain degree of success!? What if you keep coming blank in this situation and nothing happens!? What does that mean!?

Also wanted to ask if a persons lack of access to the supernatural world may be due to generational rubbish which blocks or put blocks in the individuals abilities to see into it!? Or the future!? Etc. What is conditional, made-up, influenced, and true future as well as an artificial future that can be made or done to happen!? Many questions do arise if anything...it's just that I am confirming truth, theory, hypothetical and bias or biased futures...this also helps with future true predictions and identifying false ones with a positive 100 percent degree of accuracy...let me know what you think...and what can be done to rectify any unknown misnomers

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With 100 percent accuracy...

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100% accuracy is very much left-brain dominance, which is fine. But 100% accuracy would be fine for a time, but it will change. It's all a flow. Nothing is set in stone, at least not for long. So go right-brain and you get the "knowing" answers, but these are not internal dialog based. Though you might use language coming from the right brain and this would be okay, but it's still a flow.

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Just listened to your podcast on attack from the moon and I wonder whether these things on the moon are the ones who've hijacked reincarnation on earth? Many NDE stories say they feel pressured to come back to earth, even when they haven't specifically agreed to come back to this difficult planet.

Also, many OBEs say our planet is surrounded by some sort of shield they cannot penetrate. Put these 2 things together makes me wonder why we might be held here in some sort of reincarnation trap - kind of hijacked when we leave our body before our time. What would they gain from that? Feeding on our Energy or our Misery by making people return to a struggling world?

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this ramble, Doc and Friends

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Very good thoughts there, thank you... Going way back I very much took on board the "work" of G.I. Gurdjieff and still do. Many books about his system and philosophy tend to be reductionist. They dismiss the "crazy stuff" as metaphor. Now he went on about the moon as not being what it seems; and that it has a pretty nefarious influence on Earth hominids. The reductionists, who didn't want him to be similar, to say, Crowley, just said he meant internal dialog and language systems deluding the various "centers" that make up a hominid being. But he merrily went on about it all.

We also had the brilliant Ingo Swann - a critical thinking super psychic - who apparently remote-viewed the moon beings. Plus rumors coming out of NASA for decades and intelligence services, etc.

We can also get into Gnosticism, which fits the trap, and David Icke gets into it big time, along with Simulation Theory - with David taking it far edge, but with very solid reasoning.

If we go with the basics of Simulation Theory, then a "game" is being played by who knows what, and reincarnation may not be quite what it seems. We could get into plasma physics and the idea - mostly put forward by Robert Temple in his "A New Science of Heaven" - that there are plasma intelligences, vastly ancient, which make up most of the weird stuff, paranormal, when they manifest more solidly on the Earth plane.

Worth having a look at the "Ghost Moons":


If there is a reincarnation trap, then could be the plasma intelligences are behind it. But why?

Oh... back to Gurdjieff... I just remembered, he talking about Earth hominids being fed upon, the negative emotions as seen in war and in the general "Jerry Springer" type ways of going on with Earth hominids... who pretty much would kill each other due to even a small sleight against them... law tends to stop them and fear of prison! On a grand scale, of course, law has no impact; the elite classes can just get to it and cover things up with propaganda and "sleight of mind."

Anyway, I haven't got answers... but I'm thinking of going back to Gurdjieff to review what he said about the moon - and to forget the reductionist contention that it was all metaphor... wouldn't they like to think so! Haha.

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Thanks for the response. Great food for thought and I hope you and Dark Angel are feeling better from your attack. It sounded very scary.

This negative spiral the world has got itself into doesn't align with the message NDEs seem to come back with from their God/The Divine, which is "Love is the answer", yet they're not sent into situations where love is making a difference, like lambs to the slaughter only creating more suffering. Kinda feels like WW1 over the top, lads where we're sent to our doom in waves.

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Yes, I agree, that's the feel of things at the moment. It's almost like the "love is the answer" is a misdirection or an opiate... rather than going on the offensive. Obviously hitting back is just more of the same... but not if it's done with "conscious awareness"... as in what I call the "higher I"... stark realism and "needs must".

I can't say I'm keen on it, but sustained psychic attacks might well be what's needed... ideally with teams of people coordinated via a private, encrypted messenger. Even if shots across the bows, we might get more information... it might put the wind up the ruling overlords... I'm certain that they have endeavored to reduced people's natural PSI abilities... partly as people "see" much clearer, so long as they have critical thinking too, as you do have to be discerning, and almost "triangulate" your psychic data to ensure its validity.

But yes, thank you, DA and I are okay; the psychic things are still happening, though. I will aim to put together a report over the weekend, with videos of events, and my outlining what was going on... definitely feel free to debunk, though.

Right now I don't know if it is/was psychic attacks or some form of information download. Again, it's very weird, and we can only await events to try and figure out what has been going on... it did set off with the moon thing and me talking about it on the blog, and DA and I doing remote viewing.

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No debunking from me. What you both felt or saw was your truth. It was true to you and not for me to challenge because I was not there.

Loving the blog, btw.

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GMan, thnak you for your thoughts, comments and well wishes.

What Dok was saying in the last comment is he will be posting the latest happenings. Just the other night after he posted about the remote viewing I watched to the video as soon as the video was over I again seemed to come under attack. It's a bit odd and Dok and I tried our best to recreate and debunk it.

I'd so love to debunk it all. I honestly.

Many blessings


Sherron Sinclair Shreeve

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