Samiyaza was the first of a series of three groups of angels falling to the ground by design of God after failing to meet the merits of God and falling in standard. Also the original number of 666 was that number originally but rather represent a group or total of around 600 Angels. Also, makes Lucifer look like God's current scrapgoat and matches all the definitions from Judaism and Islam and Christianity that he is a lawful and neutral or a force or energy for wicked and evil by design and take orders from certain departments of heaven challenged to reap souls for God or for hell. Ironic because God created souls for hell and also made it for both angels and people and he did not spare his own son. And this is a direct reference to the book of Enoch...God, Jesus, HS, have others do their dirty work for them. And it's been known that some of these fallen watchers that fell sometimes have met with God or gone to heaven through a back door to reacquaint with old liaisons, allies, and what not. Totally in line with Lucifer and his shadow twin. (That book was heavily edited and redacted to say only one angel) might have even been four angels that fell from heaven instead. Or over time displeased God and were cast down just like the son Alex setup archnemises of God...All just for wondering what was wrong with him, And that is what God called pride. Or doing what one wanted.

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So my question...what do we have remaining that works from all points ...if the Elohim are still around and the elites at the top are just left overs of Niphilliam kingdoms or bits and pieces of powerful civilizations. How do we get things to work in our favor. I done so much Magik and was told that Magik can only get you so far and Ive taken a lot of action to figure things out really bad. It just that I am going nowhere with certain life issues that are not resolved but don't need to be there at all.

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Nano fabricators would do it, so long as hackers spread the code around the world, which take a couple of weeks. This would be the end of money and scarcity, abundance for all. So no more power structures. I've spoken to scientists working on nano fabricators... It will be another twenty years, maybe fifty before they come to prime time. The powers that be wouldn't want nano fabricators out in the wild.

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