Sigil magic - heavy duty firepower that gets the job done
Dark Angel offers you her favorite form of magick, that of mysterious, pulsating glyphs; while Doktor Snake provides a petition to "Mr. Natas"...
How would it feel to have somebody take care of whatever you need. Such as:
Several thousand bucks to help you pay some bills.
Get rid of that annoying girlfriend that just keeps messing up your marriage.
Boost gambling luck – get the edge over the casino and with other games of chance.
Astral project to check what somebody is up to (you’ll know exactly who that is, I’m sure).
Increase your psychic and occult abilities.
Sense which cryptocurrencies will rise in value and bring profits.
Return an ex and bend them to your will.
Turn the tables on an enemy – gain the upper hand.
Increase sales in your business – despite hyper inflation and global economic woes.
Open your third eye and boost your psychic abilities.
Or name your request…
Sigils are one of my favorite ways to practice magic. They allow me to combine my two passions: art and magic. My sigils are seriously powerful. Doktor Snake has used my work in his rituals.
A sigil is a symbol created to invoke an intention, and can be used for manifestation, protection, and power, Some would say the right sigil could even open doors to a new realm. Some sigils have existed since the ancient times, the most famous would be found in King Solomon’s Ars Goetia – those used in demon summoning.
How do you think Doktor Snake has gotten so many things in his life?
He has been doing sigils for years! I have too. And together we have come up with some sigils that will pack a power punch for you.
How it works
I create your sigil from the details you provide. We do a ritual on the astral plane, which charges and activates your sigil. It is then delivered to you via email with a letter of instructions. You simply meditate on your sigil to get the results you need.
Click below to get your sigil today. Created by me, Dark Angel. (Approved by Doktor Snake himself).
More on sigil magic…
Sigils are one of my favorite ways of doing magic. They’re simple and effective. Sigils are essentially freeform symbols. I draw mine using pencils and ink pens. If I’m creating one for a client, I include their personal details and request by turning them into artistic glyphs, recognizable by the subconscious mind, but not by the conscious mind.
This is the power of sigils. They work on a deep level and can be charged and activated on the etheric plane via astral travel. From there, a given request will eventually manifest on the material plane.
The crafting of sigils goes back to prehistoric times, when shamans would paint their magical desires in symbolic form on cave walls…
In modern times, the great exponent of sigil sorcery was Austin Osman Spare (1886-1956), an obscure British artist whose occult abilities rivaled those of Aleister Crowley, Madame Blavatski and Dion Fortune.
Spare, whose unkempt hair and intense gaze made him fit perfectly with the London art circles of the time, considered the subconscious mind to be the "greatest magician" and used sigils as a direct means of communicating with this far more powerful aspect of ourselves.
In his Book of Pleasure (1913), Spare said that:
"All desire, whether for pleasure, knowledge or power, that cannot find 'natural' expression, can by sigils find their formula and find fulfillment from the subconscious."
Adding that:
"Sigils are monograms of thought, a mathematical means of symbolizing desire and giving it form."
By all accounts, Spare's sigils were extraordinarily effective. According to two terrified witnesses he once manifested an elemental spirit - with fiery eyes and surrounded by a green mist - using sigils.
Also when he was seventeen, he apparently made it rain when staying with occult novelist the Rev. Robert Hugh Benson. It had been fine all day and Benson asked Spare if his sigils could bring a downpour. Spare duly drew one on the back of an envelope and within ten minutes the two were soaked to the skin.
Doktor Snake’s petition sigil to Mr. Natas…
A warm gust of breeze caresses my face as I walk the sun-drenched, sandy beach that seems to sprawl infinitely to the horizon. The sky above, a heavenly canopy of deep azure… with the very air shimmering, expectantly…
To my side, out of nowhere, strides a man - wise, knowing and patrician in aspect, yet kindly in demeanour. Dressed in dapper, summer attire - more suited perhaps to a gentleman of the 1920s - he tips his beige Fedora in greeting, saying, “And what, dear boy, can I do for you?”
I describe how times seem to have run into drought, a strange stalling of the abundant harvest of noughts and ones that make up our pecuniary resources. I ask for his guidance, to lead us upon the path required to bring succulent fruits to the trees, for fertile growth to come, the merging of the two as one.
Mr. Natas says:
“Never fear my friend. The crops shall groweth. You have the resources within. Listen to your hearts, your minds, quiet, calm and ready to fight the good fight. Walk this beach and fertility in the form of pecuniary abundance shall come…”
With that we shook hands in a warm grip, his energy flowing into me, revitalizing every aspect of my being.
He then faded into the shimmering, warm air. His voice still echoing in my mind, I etched the glyph of Mr Natas’ wilder aspect, one of growth and fertile abundance that shall be found by the ones that seeketh… my intention spiralling upon the sigil in pure abandon… bringing fertile abundance the seed that shall grow anew and take us to where we will to go…