Watching your video I can imagine the history of the area perhaps a hill Fort was close by in neolithic times? Hunters roaming the land in search of game, spear tips glinting in the sun.

Perhaps an ancient shaman or shameness of the local tribe did a similar working to yours by going into a visionary trance perhaps into the astral? I'm guessing that they may have consumed some hallucinogens such as mandrake or magic mushrooms too perhaps with the sound of gentle drumming to simulate the human heartbeat. Then the crackling of the ritual fire which the Seer may have gazed into to discern any images or shapes that the flames may have made to aid in future predictions may have occurred too.

It looks like a place of power and I wouldn't be surprised if a leyline ran through the whole area. I'm sure once the sun sets the whole atmosphere changes though.

Loving the video of the Lake too you know that most otherworldly happenings seem to occur near bodies of water whether lakes or rivers or underground streams that's what I've read anyhow, but then again there are theories that water can hold memory so that could be it.

Wonderful video showing the great british countryside, its great that we still have the right to roam.

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The other thing is that when you come across people they'll often stop and have a good chat. But this wasn't the case on New Year's day when I went to the same place or nearby. I'd say that's because people had a big stuff up and booze up over the Xmas holidays and went for their one walk a year! So when somebody speaks to them it's weird - they don't do that in town or the city! The real wanderers and walkers don't go out New Year's day!

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