It's fantastic to hear you are feeling better now Doc! Excited to watch your latest video and cheers for the shout out!
I'm feeling much better myself. This virus going around is most peculiar, everytime I feel that I've beaten it just comes back with a vengeance.
I really do need to boost up my immune system to fight these viruses.
Great insight into crypto currency as its something I haven't really looked into much but if the banks do ever crash or there's a freeze on assets crypto might be a good option to have.
I have to say that when you spoke on making the call as whether or not you were going to get the covid shot is something that I too had to make a decision on. I just looked at the data and read the opinions of doctors and scientists in that field, people much more highly qualified than me for sure. I then made a judgement call based on all the evidence that had been presented to me. I never even considered how much more difficult making that decision would have been for people who had dependents they had to provide for.
Another fantastic video once again always good to hear your insights on a myriad of topics.
Thank you. Yes, the pressure to be vaxxed was profound. The mass mind was pervasive. Of course, David Icke, in The Trap, has lots of ideas about what was going on. He sees our reality as a "simulation" almost like a video game. Basically the Holographic Universe. He equates this with Gnosticism and the "parasite" entity or Old Testament "God"... reptilian entities that seek to feed upon humans. And the ruling elites are their minions, part reptilian. In some sense, they are also seeking to steal people's souls... though we are all in this simulated reality and consist of code similar to computer code. Icke also cites Don Juan from the Carlos Castaneda books - the idea of the "predators", which are pretty much the same as those found in Gnosticism - mind parasites.
When you get deep into David's stuff, your left brain thinks, "Not too sure about all this." I used to see David's opus as metaphor... and also Castaneda's work... I went with "stopping the world" as in "internal dialog", etc... wasn't so sure about the cosmology. Eventually I just thought, keep an open mind... one never knows. PLUS cutting edge science, quantum mechanics, has the Holographic Universe theory... and really isn't so far away from David's ideas at all. David knows his quantum mechanics and all that very well.
It's fantastic to hear you are feeling better now Doc! Excited to watch your latest video and cheers for the shout out!
I'm feeling much better myself. This virus going around is most peculiar, everytime I feel that I've beaten it just comes back with a vengeance.
I really do need to boost up my immune system to fight these viruses.
Great insight into crypto currency as its something I haven't really looked into much but if the banks do ever crash or there's a freeze on assets crypto might be a good option to have.
I have to say that when you spoke on making the call as whether or not you were going to get the covid shot is something that I too had to make a decision on. I just looked at the data and read the opinions of doctors and scientists in that field, people much more highly qualified than me for sure. I then made a judgement call based on all the evidence that had been presented to me. I never even considered how much more difficult making that decision would have been for people who had dependents they had to provide for.
Another fantastic video once again always good to hear your insights on a myriad of topics.
Thank you. Yes, the pressure to be vaxxed was profound. The mass mind was pervasive. Of course, David Icke, in The Trap, has lots of ideas about what was going on. He sees our reality as a "simulation" almost like a video game. Basically the Holographic Universe. He equates this with Gnosticism and the "parasite" entity or Old Testament "God"... reptilian entities that seek to feed upon humans. And the ruling elites are their minions, part reptilian. In some sense, they are also seeking to steal people's souls... though we are all in this simulated reality and consist of code similar to computer code. Icke also cites Don Juan from the Carlos Castaneda books - the idea of the "predators", which are pretty much the same as those found in Gnosticism - mind parasites.
When you get deep into David's stuff, your left brain thinks, "Not too sure about all this." I used to see David's opus as metaphor... and also Castaneda's work... I went with "stopping the world" as in "internal dialog", etc... wasn't so sure about the cosmology. Eventually I just thought, keep an open mind... one never knows. PLUS cutting edge science, quantum mechanics, has the Holographic Universe theory... and really isn't so far away from David's ideas at all. David knows his quantum mechanics and all that very well.