Such a good video you covered so much that I had to watch it two times in a row just to take everything in! Fantastic stuff and most thought provoking.

Was so engrossed in the video that I didn't notice my cup of tea had gotten cold haha.

I like "our thoughts create our reality" perhaps that could be why most of the modern housing builds for the masses seems to be drab and dreary, well at least here in the UK anyhow, perhaps being around gloomy housing estates or concrete jungles all day is actually making people depressed or angry or filling them with no hope?

Perhaps thats why the rich or elites will always surround themselves with beauty?

On to Tartaria at first I was skeptical but with the huge amounts of information that just keeps on coming out from old maps to historical accounts I'm leaning to the very real possibility that it may have existed but in what form that took and how long ago I don't really know for certain.

But like you say "believe nothing" I think that's a great attitude to have, one should always be asking questions.

I also like how you likened scientists to a religion I never considered that but thinking about it many are dogmatic in their beliefs especially in our modern age, not all mind.

Stellar video once again. Cheers.

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With gloomy housing estates it's true, you create your own reality. Some people in such estates have joy and have flowers growing in tubs. It's all down to not believing you are worthy. The subconscious needs a few affirmations to believe you can have abundance, not necessarily money and material goods, but sustenance for the soul. Sure in modern times we need cash. Again, do affirmations and work diligently towards goals... Not strive as that's emotional attachment born of lack. Rather be organized and disciplined and keep going.

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