Sitemap - 2023 - Doktor Snake
FINAL REMINDER: New Year Power and Protection Pack - Stay Safe, Stay Lucky
Human mutilations? Are the UFOs, non-human intelligences about to invade?
Did the NSA and DARPA create the infrastructure for Facebook and Bitcoin?
Many faces of Doktor Snake interview part 2
Many faces of Doktor Snake interview part 1
Is Doktor Snake the Count of Saint Germain?
New Year 2024: Power & Protection Pack
Summoning Duke Bune on a lonesome Suffolk hillside
Hell magick: curse of the avenging Dark Angel
Psychic readings & spiritual guidance
Don't go to the casino without this...
Spirit conjure - spells for all needs - calls on the spirits
T. Townsend-Brown, Time Travel, UFOs, and Foo Fighters
Rite of the Seven Obsidian Kings
Candle Blessings: low cost boost and empowerment
Evoking the Terrifying Sovereign
Dokology: Get Doktor Snake on a retainer to help you get ahead and gain big time success
The end of religion is coming NEXT YEAR
Now it's landed gentry under psychic attack
Special Offer: "Dokology Psybernetics Training" - Become A PSI Warrior!
Money Magnet Package - The “Gold Standard”
Moon Entity? Is this an off-worlder? An "Owl" being?
US Military's Psychic Training Techniques EXPOSED
Prophetic dream? Holly Willoughby and Stormy Daniels - do they have hidden info about the elites?
Iron Mountain Report - Revisited
The Satanic capital of Britain
Manhood Jinxer - hardcore magick to stop infidelity in its tracks
Invite your friends to read Doktor Snake
Big Foot UK - Satanic Capital of Britain - UFO Summoning
PSI Workings & Readings For All Your Needs
"Dead Man's Grave" - All Hallows Eve spellworking coming up...
Is ChatGPT censoring the occult, magick, and demonology? Not to mention conspiracy?
Evoking Baal, mighty demon-god, for wealth, power and dominance
REMINDER: Halloween spellworking fast approaching
Dokology: Conscious Awareness Explained
$5K credit: "If it's good enough for the Rothschilds, it's good enough for Doktor Snake!"
Ritual Of The Terrifying Sovereign
Magickal Journeys: Plus acid trip at Highgate Cemetery, lair of the vampire
We're going on a DMT trip (without the DMT)
Solar eclipse October 14th - Doktor Snake under attack - quick getaway
Escaping the Rothschilds & the matrix...
Doktor Snake set to channel cosmic energies during upcoming solar eclipse
Who are the controllers? Are they in league with inter-dimensional entities?
Justified Killer Assassins: JKA Manifesto "we are mind hackers", the fire drakes... (music video)
Fantastic Friday Frenzy: Casino Conjure Spell - Clauneck Pathworking - Miracle Mantra
Bronze age mound: Out and about in the middle marches
Fantastic Friday Frenzy - NEW! Weekly discounts and special offers - roundup of news and insight
Welcome to the simulacrum: fake reality...
Divination technology - elites using psychic "modelling" superior to AI and algorithms
Tithing the spirit doktor - mysterious ritual in New Orleans - plus appearance of an enigmatic Count
Clauneck Pathworking - Wealth Machine - MP3 Audio
Speaking in tongues - I can do it without God or the Holy Ghost
Old world order turns to Satan to fight the NWO globalists...
Ghost in the machine - dearth of joy in the world - the solution = conscious awareness
Is the mind inside the brain? Or is it total body consciousness?
Duke Bune's "Three Farthings" Ritual
Daimonic Money Machine - Calling On Demon Prince Clauneck For Money & Wealth...
MP3 Audio - Manifestation Pathworking - We Are The Gods - Let's Change Our Own Reality!
The Satanic way to attracting women...
How to make a pact with the Devil...
WW3: It ain't hot, but there's still casualties...
Top Hats = Population Control? Chemtrails Over Milton Keynes
Miracle Mantra - mind science of manifestation - from the old Nosferatu tongue
Apocalypse Now? Is A Cataclysm Immanent? There Was No God In The Bible...
Exorcism services: entities cast out and neutralized
Dead Man's Grave - Conjuring Spirits - Paradigm-Shifting Mindset Needed For The Future Aeon...
Archangel Protection Ritual: Unleashing Spiritual Power Against Darkness
Motorcycle Mayhem - Music Video - Doktor Snake
Invite your friends to read Doktor Snake
Dogs of doom howling? Shock medical data in the UK - proof of depopulation agenda?
Doktor Snake: The Heroic Battle Against Unleashed Darkness
Tame the black dog! Powerful technique to beat depression...
The Pawssessed Pup: Unleashing the Curse Within
Hot Foot spell made her boyfriend run out on her
Do any of you dream of alternate timelines?
Be your own God - stop the word - defeat the "controllers"...
The Phony War - Vaxx Casualties Hidden - Mind Viruses & Memes - The Ghost In The Machine
Psychic Abilities, Space Aliens, Ruling Overlords, and Adrenochrome (Interview with Doktor Snake)
The Exorcist: Discover the true and disturbing story behind the movie and novel
Crashed UFO Revelations: true and not true at the same time?
The Serpent Is Coming For Him...
John McAfee: A Great & Profound Man - Mind Science, Freedom, Decentralized Networks
Stop your man straying with voodoo
Beelzebub's Manual of Black Magick
How to WIN big time at the casino
Courtwork Magick - the "Poor man's lawyer"
Emergency Broadcast: The Great Fight Is Coming - Psychic Transmissions Via Dark Angel & Doktor Snake
The Devil's Windmill: He made a wager with Satan and lost...
JKA Manifesto - Your Sky Is Our Sky - Mind Hackers - Justified Killer Assassins (Doktor Snake)
BUY: Magick & PSI Power For All Your Needs...
Fear Of Loss, Spoils The Fun...
How to get rich with the "Higher I"...
INTERVIEW - With Sol Luckman (Uncensored) - Premiering TODAY Saturday at 5:30 PM Eastern...
Meteor Shower Working (Saturday) - PLUS Earl Marlowe on cosmic gateways
Join our DISCORD: Roundtable audio discussions every Sunday at 10:30AM Central Time
Cosmic Gateway Ritual - Manifest Wishes & Desires
Don't take on a chimpanzee, it'll kill you...
Malign Attachments: What they are and how to remove them...
🔉 Psychic Message - Letter From The Numinous - Take On The Ruling Overlords With PSI-Power...
Smoke! Fire! Psychic Synchronicity - PSI-Guerrilla Fighters - Astral Travel In Cyber Networks
Is AI ALREADY In Control? Wildcard = Astral Projecting Into The Networks - Guerilla PSI-Power...
Join me on Notes - It's like Twitter but not...
ChaosGPT: Is experimental AI set to annihilate humanity?
Ouija boards & poltergeists - digital divination - airship flap, foo fighters, UFOs - coded reality?
Spread BIG love - antidote to control freak elites
Death Powder: “Killed a judge stone dead one time…"
Social Media: The Battleground For Our Minds
Was it a bioweapon? Chemtrails? Or a rabbit hole?
He walked out on her for a younger woman...
Join our voice chat on Discord - every Sunday
Patanjali and his Sutras: The Birth of Mind Science
Exploring the Mystical World of Astral Projection: How to Leave Your Body and Travel the Universe
Psychic readings and fortune telling - how do you think they work?
More on the Evil Eye - plus how our thoughts create our reality...
Do you believe in the Evil Eye?
Gift to the Gods - Equality of Women - Omens - Ragnarok is Nigh...
The Simulation Hypothesis: Is Our Reality Just a Video Game?
The Highgate Vampire: Exploring the Dark Side of Highgate Cemetery
Were the Nephilim and Watchers Aliens? Exploring a Controversial Theory
The Singularity: Is the Future Here?
Exploring the Folklore of Macon, Georgia: Ghosts, Legends, and Tales from the Heart of Georgia
Gambling Spells: Can Magic Increase Your Luck?
Cyber Magick and Ancient Deities: Taming the Malign Force of Cleopatra’s Needle
The Terrifying and Haunting Folklore of Black Annis from Leicester
How to Cast a Love Spell with Everyday Items: A Beginner's Guide
Quantum Mechanics and the Occult: A Match Made in Science Heaven
WW3 immanent - your data STOLEN - homegrown trans-humanism
Behind the scenes: woman sought out justice for nephew through Doktor Snake...
I dreamed of a space alien attack on Earth...
On Sale - Plus Maximum Power + Dok's Secret Vault...
Behind the scenes of - lady won $25,000K
The Devil in old time conjuration lore
Human sacrifice - key festival EVERYWHERE - and not so long ago...
Casting runes (1): state of the planet today
#RagnarokNow: The Gods of Yore returneth...
Voodoo Spells For All Your Needs & Requirements...
True stories of witches and warlocks
Werewolf Rite - Possession Ritual - Behind The Scenes - The English Countryside
The Singularity will be like you've been spiked with 1967 Grateful Dead acid - BOOM!
Does AI now rule Planet Earth?
Mind control is a good thing + Don't be driven by emotions...
BIG SALE! Key requirements - love, money, domination...
Astral attack - how I dealt with it
Calling Woodwoses (Big Foot) in the dark woods...
Intention manifestation glyph - plus vaxx truth - narrative crumbling - fake alien invasion?
She wanted her man under mind control...
The woman in white drifted across the lake towards us...
Stepping out of time - know your own truth - impending tyranny - escape to parallel worlds...
What would you like us to talk about?
WEF globalist cabal desperate to make you believe the world is mechanistic and material...
Ticktock, ticktock - stepping out of time onto the plasma plane
Astral assassin - gaslit and tormented wife - set free via psychic attack
Psychic premonition - 2023 - from Dark Angel - big events coming - apocalypse now?
How will politicians cover their tracks? The data for "demicide" is in... it's shocking
Looking for a spell caster that’s credible, reliable and cares?